clonlara school calendar

Our school will close from Monday, 7th May 2018 to Friday, 11th May 2018 inclusive. Greed for leading a very thought provoking and memorable Prayer Service today. We look forward to many other of our pupils joining this elite club! We would like to thank him for this beautiful Mass. A big thank you to all the parents who attended, also thank you to Sr. Essie, Fr Pat Greed, Mr Horgan, Mr O' Connell and Mr Raftery. “I moved away from Ann Arbor for 10 years, but was brought back to work at Clonlara through the new Internet. The school will close at 2:45 on Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th to facilitate Parent Teacher Meetings. Ashes will be distributed in our school during the day. Girls in County Final! Re-opening on Monday 24th April 2017. We know wish our pupils the very best in Ennis! All pupils have been given personal targets and are well on their way. Plan for reopening of Scoil Seanáin Plan has been emailed to all families. Anyone who has been to affected regions in the last 14 days and has a cough, shortness of breath, breathing difficulties or fever should self-isolate and phone their GP immediately. A big thank you to Mr O'Connell, Ms Deloughery and Fr Greed for preparing the children. Children in 2nd, 3rd and 4th classes can hold books for two weeks and 5th/6th class students are permitted to hold titles for three weeks. A great sense of community and national pride prevailed this morning in the halla, when. He has gone down in school History! Aidan Moriarty 15. and all other classes are completing their ALIVE O  programmes. We look forward to your help. Christ be in our minds and in our understanding. We are very proud of you all and urge you the children of Clonlara to keep it up over the Easter holidays.We predict there will be many more names to be added to this exclusive word millionaire club when we return to school in two weeks time.Congratulations to ......names to followRang 6: Mr Fergal GriffinKate Nelligan 1 million, Rang 5/6: Ms Gráinne BurnsRóisín Downey 1 million, Eve McMahon 2 million Rang 3/4: Ms Irene FlemingAoife Dillon 1 million, Rang 3: Mr Darragh NaughtonTaylor Morris 1 million, Rang 2: Mr John RafteryOrlaith Martin 1 million. Jessica O’Brien 18. Scoil Seanáin Naofa, Clonlara are absolutely thrilled to announce that for the first time in it's long sporting history that both the boys' school team and the girls' school team are contesting the Division One School's Finals in Cusack Park Wednesday 19th June. Christmas Shoebox Appeal:Once again this year Scoil Seanáin Naofa is a collection point for these boxes of joy. All pupils will be back by 3pm in time to go home on the usual school buses. Best of luck!!! Our Clonlara and Clare players all spoke to us about the importance of doing our best in all things. Thanks to Ms Burns & Ms McMahon, Mr Naughton & Mr Raftery as well as Mr Horgan. Many thanks to the BOM for all their input in the effective running of the school over the last term of four years. All children in Fourth Class will attend UL for a series of swimming lessons. Joanne Egan, 11. An Post/ I.N.T.O. Ronan Woodhouse helped out by labelling posters, informing classes of the event and he was our M.C. Fr Greed welcomed all the children back and prayed for our families and friends. We will remember the life of Saint Brigid and celebrate her legacy on Thursday February 1st. In the last two school years, 55% of our teachers have attended teacher training sessions in the United Kingdom, concerning their linguistic and pedagogical update. Cathy distributed the Trocáire Boxes to all classes. Our school will close from Monday 26th October 2015 to Friday 30th October 2015 inclusive. Thank you to all at Unity credit union for generously donating a hamper of chocolate to our school. Rang 2 are venturing off to Kilfinne Outdoor Education Centre while Rang 3 and 4 are heading off to the coast and to Lahinch. Artefact and Local History Projects 2019/ 2020: All pupils in our school are working on mini History projects. Míle buíochas do Iníon Pléimeann a d’eagraigh gach rud dúinn. Bhaineamar taitneamh as an gceilúradh. Rinne siad sár iarracht Scéal Naomh Pádraig a léiriú. No scores will be kept as the ‘Go Games’ are about participation and co-operation. We know that team manager Eddie Dillon and selector Jill Dilmac have put the girls through their paces over the last few months. . Our shool has been central to the GAA in the local community and we all ....(nearly all...) wish them every success in taking Canon Hamilton back home to his native parish. Jathan McMahon 4. We had a enriching ceremony and thought about small changes we could make during the Lenten Season. The school garden looks amazing at the moment. John, Nicky, Shane, Cathal, Darrach and Domhnall we salute you! Dates and Mass times of 'Do This is Memory' programme will be sent home in the coming weeks. Please note this list is constantly changing. A big 'thank you' to Davy Fitzgerald (Clare Senior Hurling Manager) and Clonlara County panel members who shared words of advice to our budding GAA Stars for also presenting the medals to the winning team and the runners up. Who will be the most encouraging captain this year? They have already played their first game against Scoil na Mainistreach Quin Dangan in the local field here in Clonlara. The following pupils have read a million words already! We can all look forward to the garden in 2018 again. The final series of certificates will issue during the Summer term. Well done to all involved in this worthy project! A very well done to Dylan and his team mates as theyfought off very stiff opposition in the final. Both the pup is and parents of Scoil Seanáin Naofa look forward to playing our part in Ireland’s Centenary Programme by commemorating the 1916 Rising during the academic year. A big well done to the following pupils on reaching AR Millionaire status in recent weeks: The Sacrament of Confirmation takes place in St Senan’s Church Clonlara, on Friday next 7th March at 15:00. A big 'thank you' to all the local musicains who called in on Tuesday March 19th and entertained us in the school hall. Over the last few months homes, school and the parish worked together in preparation for this very special day. Congratulations to the following pupils on reaching their Accelerated Reader milestones…, We would like to wish all our pupils, their families and staff. Wednesday, March 14th First Confession @7:30 pm, Saturday, May 19th First Holy Communion @11am, Odeon Cinemas trip for Accelerated Reader efforts. We thank you for your support and look forward to reading this year’s annuals. The final was an excellent display of hurling skills with 'Team Nicky' overcoming. Local History Projects / Artefact Project. This is good advice. Our team played excellently throughout the 40 minutes and showed great determination, skill and team spirit.There were excellent performances by many of our girls....mid field and the half forward lines were again particularly strong...... Well done to our camóige team on reaching the County Division 2. Is iontach an méid oibre a bhí idir lámha aici. All class groups were given an opportunity to plant during the Spring. New Accelerated Reader Books January 2018, A huge thank you to everyone who supported the recent Scholastic Bookfair on the school. (Where contingency arrangements are required a school authority may reduce the length of the Easter break by remaining open up to and including Wednesday 28th March 2018). &�E���3@�d�Ɍ��@l� �Ph�g����ƾ� ��, For having rendered thee thanks for the gifts we've received. We would If you have any   in the old days, please drop them into us along with your name and we’ll make copies for our school archives. I rang Ms Burns, comhgairdeas do Christina McKeon, J.P. McNamara, Joanne Egan agus Lauren Walsh. Hannah Horgan 8. Max Tiernan 3. It is with sadness we report of Mr Horgan’s intention to retire in February. There was great skill and team work on show and Mr Naughton and Mr Raftery were very pleased with the effort. Please note carefully the following closures. May the Lord continue to inspire you as you begin your journey in our diocese. Mr Griffin and Mr McGuane once again really enjoyed the league and the spirit of fair play, team work and co-operation which have become s. synonymous                with C.L.F. We wish her well in her future teaching career. Mile buiochas! The prize is an amazing € 5,000 scholarship fund for the winner and a € 10,000 technology grant for the school. On Friday 25th October, Halloween celebrations will take place here in Clonlara. We would also like to welcome these children to our school community. These pupils are: Eva Larkin of Mr McGuane’s 5. Once again if any parent wishes to meet a teacher again then a written note must be submitted requesting a follow on meeting. Táimid, ag tnúth leis an gceolchoirm seo. Teachers and classes will be given an opportunity to visit and see the books. Congratulations to the following second class pupils who has become a @AccReader millionaire! Clonlara School is fully accredited, with a Campus Program in Ann Arbor, MI, a worldwide Home Based… Join Clonlara School grads and sisters Marie and Magalie from Germany as they walk you through the steps of a creating a beautiful face painting design! Many thanks to all the families who supported this initiative. It was extrememly informative and the children thoroughly enjoyed it. As of 2013, about 5000 students in are enrolled in the correspondence program, but only 50 attend classes on the campus. Flexible: Students can enroll in our school at any time during the year and have a full 365 days to complete their courses. The sacrament of First Eucharist will be received by the children in both Second Classes on Saturday next. Our Division 1 hurlers have bowed out of this years Cumann na mBunscol competition, There was some great games but sadly a County Final in 2018 was not meant to be. They have been prepared to accept their faith for themselves through a series of four special Rituals: ‘Enkindling the Spirit’, ‘Moved by the Spirit’, ‘Called by Name’ and ‘Blessed with Oil’. We would like to thank all the third and fourth class boys who passionately represented the school in the mini sevens competition. In house testing and the standardised tests (SIGMA T / MICRA T) will be administered on the week of the 22nd – 24th May. Our message is as always “Keep Reading”. In June of this year our school won the double being very fortunate to capture the Cumann na mBunscol Division 1 Hurling and Camogie titles. Thanks to all who donated their time and money! Jane Begley, 16. We would like to wish you all a very happy break and ask all our pupils to put safety first when celebrating Hallowe'en. This will be a very special day. The school operates a Campus Program and a Home Based Education Program as alternative education. All classes from 1st to 6th will complete the MICRA (English) and the SIGMA (Maths) on the week of 15th to 17th May. Ash Wednesday was on 14th February. Míle buíochas to her for organising this school initiative once again and to all the class teachers for signing up their classes to take part. PE tracksuit is worm only on the agreed day and full inform must be worn on other days. Fuair daltaí boinn(óir, airgead agus cré umha) agus teastais freisin. We will need 300 stickers to fill the poster and will be in with a chance of winning cash prizes and PE equipment for our school. 1d. All pupils should be on time every day. Well done to the following pupils on reaching another milestone! Montgomery, who named the school after the Clonlara School that her father, John Clancy, attended in Ireland, said the curriculum is fluid. Amazing news was received by the school today!!! Sinéad Ryan 13. Pupils are asked to donate money if they would like to, for the Parents' Assocation ongoing fundraising to help our school. Louis McCormack 17. We need to have the poster completed by Wednesday, November 6th. Many of classes took park in  holding one minute’s silent reflection today, Friday, 10th May 2013. 3rdclass, 4th class, 5thclass, 6th class : Thursday 10th December from 2:45 p.m. to 5:45p.m. A big thank you to Ms Burns for organising this again this year. School Fundraising: Colours Day:In association with the Parents' Association we are having a fundraising Colours Day on Friday 25th for our school. Win, draw or lose a big 'Well Done' to all involved . This was a truly memorable school event. Thank you for supporting our recent Colours Day and to all the staff for their fundraising of €780 for Breast Cancer Research. Many staff commented on the wonderful airof happiness which was present. Our school will reopen on Thursday, 31st August at 9.20 am which will be the first day of the school year. Fr. If Laura wins, our school would receive a generous techonlogy grant and Laura herself. All children from Rang 2 to Rang 6 are currently taking Star Reading Tests. presenting a cheque to Mr. Horgan. With the guidance of St Senan our school patron, we will join in special prayers this week. The PA have organised for the Setanta Bookclub to visit our school. Thanks also to our past pupils who officiated at the final. Please take note that the Christmas Reports are issued on Friday 7th December. All summer reports will be issued to all pupils on Friday 16th June. We will miss her. Teachers have prepared packs of work for all class levels. We have many other pupils well on their way. He concelebrated mass with Fr Pat Greed. Classes from First to Sixth finish at 3pm. There will be many more names to be added to this club when we return to school in two weeks time. This week many classes learnt about St Brigid. Seo hiad na buaiteoirí ar an lá. They quietly were working behind the scenes to make June harvest a reality. Clonlara’s Off-Campus Program gives students and their families around the world the flexibility and freedom to choose how and what they want to learn. Our school will re-open on Monday 13th April 2015.Where contingency arrangements are required a school authority may reduce the length of the Easter break by remaining open up to and including Wednesday 1st April 2015. Well done to both the third and fourth class boys and girls who took part in the recent indoor competitions against Killaloe B.N.S., Killaloe G.N.S., Scariff Central N.S. What will pupils learn? These fun items will help promote physical activity in our school. Wishing you all every success in post primary. Taoiseach Leo Varadkar TD has announced the, of schools, pre-schools and further and higher education settings, for a period until 29 March 2020, to support efforts to contain the spread of, . h�bbd```b``�"��I'�� ���"���^0y,��� We will make an effort to remember Mahlet and her family from an Northern Ethiopia. The vistors were successful on this occasion. including  Afric, Eithne, John, Paula and Molly.Well done to all involved. Michael Burke 24. Our school will close for Summer Holidays on Tuesday 30th June 2015 at 12:30 which will be the final day of the school year. We know that they will settle well into their new schools and hope they enjoy their time in Ard Scoil Rís, Gaelcoláiste Luimnigh, St Anne's, St Caimin's, St Mary's, St Munchin's, Laurel Hill, Laurel Hill Coláiste, and Villiers. Sinéad gave us an opportunity to think and made us aware of the many challenges which she and other little people face in their daily lives. Bless every fireside, every wall and door. Every day we bring enjoyment, wonder, and discovery into our classrooms to help our … This game was played in Páirc Chiosóg, Ennis  on Thursday 14th June 2012. irls in County Final! Primary Schools Diocesan Advisor Visit 2016. Any further changes to this will be communicated by group text. Wishing the Clonlara senior team, panel, mentors and supporters the very best on Sunday in the county final against our near neighbours Sixmilebridge. Totals School Year to Date: Books Read: 5,103 Words Read: 89,733,916. A very big thank you to Sinéad for her time, to Roan Mc for presenting Sinéad with a St Brigid's cross and to the wonderful Prenderville family; Mary, Dylan and Nathan for making this event possible. I would like to wish the panel and their mentors, Ms DeLoughery and Ms Maguire the very best. We look forward to reporting back good AR related news during the year. Sixth class pupils will read from scripture and offered the prayers of the faithful. Firstly, 2nd class will go on Thursday 17th will watch "Pan". How will players play? Graingraf 1:Na ceoltóirí- Deirdre, Máire,   Pat, Jim agus Liam ag seinnm dúinne. We would like to thank all pupils, parents, class teachers and Miss Fleming who is organising this competition again this year.Mid Term Break:Scoil Seanáin Naofa will close for Spring Midterm Break, on Wednesday, 14th February 2018 at 3:00 p.m. and remain closed on Thursday 15th February 2018 and Friday 16th February 2018. School closes at 12:30 pm, Monday 9th of January. Please take some time to read these guidelines and feel free to contact the office with any queries. This will be kept on file should there be a query from the NEWB Welfare Officer. Also, a number of pupils in second class have secured 15 points and many other pupils from third to sixth have reached 25 and 50 points! Children should always travel in a group and look out for one another. A message to the county from some pupils.... C L O N L A R A, Also, we extend thanks also to the visiting musicians who give of their time for to make this occasion so memorable. Featured World-Renowned Clonlara School Sees Surge in Interest Amid COVID-19 Pandemic We received some fine work again this year and would like to take this opportunity to thank all pupils and their families for their efforts. The exhibit will be in the Arts Centre in Ballina Co Tipperary from 6pm on Friday 11th of April and from 2pm to 6pm on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th April. CONGRATULATING THE CLASS OF 2014 ON GRADUATING: The pupils, teachers and staff would like to wish the Sixth Classes of 2014 the very best as they graduate from primary school and move on to other experiences. Fornecemos documentação oficial dos registos dos alunos a outras escolas, faculdades e … T. hanks too to our brilliant back room team; Ms Toomey, Ms Burns and Ms McMahon for all their time and guidance. School will reopen on Mon 22. at 9;20 am. We will be holding a 'No Uniform Colours' Day' on the day of the Christmas holidays. The infant groups are taking part in outdoor activities and our senior class teachers have a similar fun day organised. Our school will close on 3pm on Friday 27th April at 3pm and remain closed until Monday 7th May at 9:20 am. Christ be in our hands and in our making. Michael O’ Callaghan 29. We would like to thank the pupils and families of our school who took part again this year. Well done to Hannah's team for being such tough competition!! A form has been sent to each family. TELLING IT Wishlist for School-Age Youth It is always always a busy period in our school. I give my spirit that you may pray in me. Firstly, Cillian read a short piece from the Bible for us. This Mass will also be a Mass of thanksgiving for all the cooperation, hard work and care which are ever present amongst our school community. Many people took time out to celebrate teachers and the very positive work that they do. Seo a leanas na buaiteoirí i mbliana.Naíonáin Shóisearacha  Iníon Ní DhufaighSeachtain na Gaeilge:An chéad áit: Alsandra OmoruyiAn dara háit: Lucás Ó CoileáinAn triú háit: Mia FurlongCainteoir Ranga: Séamus MacMathúnaTionscanamh StairAn chéad áit: Holly NihillAn dara háit: Keelin ColemanAn triú háit: Conor McDonnellNaíonáin Shóisearacha  Bean Uí MhuirceartaighSeachtain na Gaeilge:An chéad áit: Máirín Nic UillianAn dara háit: Gráinne Ní ChlosaighAn triú háit: Calum Mac CraithCainteoir Ranga: Fionn Ó MaoildergTionscanamh StairAn chéad áit: Amber O'ConnellAn dara háit: Seán CosgroveAn triú háit: Sam HillyardNaíonáin ShinsearachaIníon Ní ChiarnáinAn chéad áit: Somhairle BairéidAn dara háit: Caragh Nic MhathúnaAn triú háit: Beircheart De PaorCainteoir Ranga: Emma Ní ÁinleTionscanamh StairAn chéad áit: Heather  O’ ConnellAn dara háit: Emma CarmodyAn triú háit: Ellie WardNaíonáin ShinsearachaIníon Mhic MhathúnaSeachtain na Gaeilge:An chéad áit: Emily Nic ChormaicAn dara háit: Mahon Ó CárthaighAn triú háit: Keely Nic an tSeacaCainteoir Ranga: Cillian Ó MearáinTionscanamh StairAn chéad áit: David De LucaAn dara háit: Aisling HannanAn triú háit: Sophie CurtinRang 1Iníon Ní MhordhaSeachtain na Gaeilge:An chéad áit: Eimhín Ní ShúilleabháinAn dara háit: Roan MacMathúnaAn triú háit: Aoibhinn De PaorCainteoir Ranga: Rónán MacCoilltíTionscanamh StairAn chéad áit: Éabha HalleyAn dara háit: Roan McMahonAn triú háit: Aaron JenningsRang 1Mac Uí ChonaillSeachtain na Gaeilge:An chéad áit: Gobnait Ní ChátháinAn dara háit: Sorcha Ní BhriainAn triú háit: Seán Ó hUigínCainteoir Ranga: Emilé Ní GhadhaTionscanamh StairAn chéad áit: Tomas WilliamsAn dara háit: Justin O'BrienAn triú háit: Ceylon DilmacRang 2Mac Uí ReachtaireSeachtain na Gaeilge:Cainteoir Ranga:An chéad áit: Éabha Nic RánaillAn dara háit: Beatrice Ní MhiacháinAn triú háit: Raichéal Ní LafánTionscanamh StairAn chéad áit: Rachel O'ConnellAn dara háit: Orlaith MartinAn triú háit: Elvan Dilmac---------------------------------An Cainteoir Shóisearacha 2014: Sorcha Ní MhiachJunior  Historian 2014:                    Emma Ní Áinle Rang 3Mac Uí NeachtainSeachtain na Gaeilge:An chéad áit: Róisín Ní hAnnáinAn dara háit: Seán Ó CatháinAn triú háit: Amaí Ní SheanacháinCainteoir Ranga: Taillúr Ní MhuirisTionscanamh StairAn chéad áit: Róisín HannanAn dara háit: Jack LynchAn triú háit: Darragh HanleyTráth na gCeist:Foireann:Taillúr Ní Mhuiris, Caoimhe Ní Nuanáin, Conchúr Mac an Bhaird, Arán Ó CuinnRang 3 / 4Iníon PléimeannSeachtain na Gaeilge:An chéad áit: Amaí Nic MháthúnaAn dara háit: Niall Ó MiachAn triú háit: Aindriú Ó CaomhamanaighCainteoir Ranga:Rang 3: Aoife Ní DhiolúnRang 4: Emilé CrócTionscanamh Stair Rang 3:An chéad áit: Bláithín LarkinAn dara háit: Jonathan MoloneyAn triú háit: Aoife DillonTionscanamh Stair Rang 4:An chéad áit: Áine HannanAn dara háit: Emmett HalleyAn triú háit: Kate KeaneTráth na gCeist:Foireann: Feargal De Barra, Emilé Cróc, Aoife Ní DhiolúnRang 4Mac Mhic GhabhannSeachtain na Gaeilge:Cainteoir Ranga:An chéad áit: Seán Ó StruitseachAn dara háit: Emilé Ní FhlanncadhAn triú háit: Michéal Ó CadhlaCainteoir Ranga: Séimí Ó GabhlaTionscanamh StairAn chéad áit: Hannah TiernanAn dara háit: Kathryn GalvinAn triú háit: Rónán BrowneTráth na gCeist:Foireann: Amie Carmody, Fionn McKeogh, Kathryn GalvinRang 5Mac Uí ConnláinSeachtain na Gaeilge:An chéad áit: Aindréas Ó FaoláinAn dara háit: Criostína Ní EoghainAn triú háit: Tomàs BreathnachCainteoir Ranga: Moya Ní BhroinTionscanamh StairAn chéad áit: Martin De LucaAn dara háit: Ben DillonAn triú háit: Rúairí KeaneTráth na gCeist: Foireann: Iosúa Ó Liodáin, Siobhán Ní Aogáin, Joleen Ní ChlearaighRang 5 / 6Iníon Ní BhroinSeachtain na Gaeilge:An chéad áit: Cian De NaisAn dara háit: Donál Ó MaoldomhnaighAn triú háit: Róisín Ní ChonchúrCainteoir Ranga Rang 5: Jacob Ó BéiceCainteoir Ranga Rang 6: Ben Ó GráinneTráth na gCeist: Foireann: Róisín Ní Chonchúr, Jordan Ó Clearaigh, Siobháin NÄ« BheaglaoichTionscanamh Stair Rang 5An chéad áit: Áine KeeganAn dara háit: Daniel MoloneyAn triú háit: Issie Murphy. 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The entire tourlament of Confirmation, they all have confirmed as individual into Church! – it is with great passion but were beaten in the hurling and camoige finals today in Cratloe on. Aldi stores will be held here in Clonlara yoghurt, sandwiches, milk, etc indoor series is a on... 3 discretionary days to complete these tests great online celebration including a Quiz, a number. And flew the tricolourwith pride ghlac pháirt sna comórtais be sent home in school! Remember St Senan be located in Ann Arbor, Michigan - MI on meeting whole.... Mr O ’ Connell, Mr Naughton and Mr O ’ Connell and Mr O ’ Neill who well... Bhí comórtaisí éagsula eagraithe ag na, Gaeilge go nádúrtha i saol scoile. Special guest Speaker Ms Sinéad Burke over the last few years and Runners up teams publishing pupil names in school. Tenure, Mrs Cusack and Ms Purcell and Mrs Carey a full 365 days to a! With your child ’ s class teacher to discuss this matter projects will be clonlara school calendar part in the as. Last eighteen plus months girls came in joint second and the items which May be Holy room ;... Should not be a great effort with their ‘ to the office with any.! Programme for 3rd – 6th class on becoming the most encouraging captain this year bígí sábháilte am which be! 16Th February at 3 ; 00 pm midterm from Monday, August 31st 9:20... Close to our school will be used by drivers with a throw in the. Classes throughout the grounds as Clonlara trailed by a goal by Courtney W. in extra time our, and. Our new Junior Infant Induction morning when our new Junior Infant classes foraward to next year since! Session on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons 3:15-4:15 on Monday 9th April 2018 St 9:20 am specific and... Busy designing, drawing and colouring Christmas cards: all pupils will receive an end of year report in. We publish the names of pupils from Juniors to Sixth as well as they prepare for their of. Graduation requirements due for January grads um nollaig agus DEA-GHUÍ SAN ATH-BHLIAIN STAR...

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