hungary lockdown restrictions

A series of sudden and transformative legal changes were proposed late Tuesday as Hungarians waited for the government to provide details on the strictest pandemic lockdown measures yet imposed. In recent months, Viktor Orbán was said to have predicted a "near tie" in the 2022 elections, and electoral successes by the opposition last year may have led to broader anxiety within the governing party over a potential opposition win. “It preys on inequality, division, denial, wishful thinking and wilful ignorance. The bill stipulates that only those parties which run a candidate in at least 50 of Hungary's 106 constituencies may field a national party voting list. Orban praised the superhuman work of doctors and nurses but claimed their numbers are finite and that government must act to reduce the pressure on key workers. Hungarian MEP Jozsef Szajer has issued an apology for breaching Belgian lockdown restrictions for engaging in an orgy last week. Then, at one minute before midnight, Varga submitted another bill which would alter Hungary's election law, making it more difficult for opposition parties to enact their strategy of uniting against Fidesz in 2022 elections. The standard fine for breaking coronavirus restrictions is 250 euros (about $300). The gradual removal of coronavirus restrictions will begin in Budapest from Monday, bringing Hungarian PM Victor Orban closer to fulfilling his promise to give up the emergency powers that had angered the EU. Hungary has restricted public gatherings and shut down businesses during the novel coronavirus pandemic, like most other countries. The director general of the World Health Organization, Tedros Ghebreyesus, said countries had to unite to fight the virus. Infractions of mask-wearing and curfew rules or limits on gatherings can result in a fine of between 5,000-500,000 forints (€14-1,400). Infection numbers would have flared up “faster and stronger” without them, Véran said, while Martin Hirsch, the director of the Paris regional health system’s 39 hospitals, said there had been “the beginnings of a dip” in admissions, which had slipped over the past few days to about 80 a day from 110 the previous week. Hungary recorded 5,000 new infections on Monday, the fourth-highest per capita rate in the EU, with more than 6,000 Covid-19 patients in hospital. BRUSSELS, Belgium (AFP) — A conservative Hungarian MEP and close ally of Prime Minister Viktor Orban apologized Tuesday after Belgian police caught him at a lockdown-busting party that local press described as an orgy. Last modified on Tue 10 Nov 2020 03.48 EST. “I am afraid there is no doubt that the situation is largely out of control,” Massimo Galli, the head of the infectious diseases department at Milan’s renowned Sacco hospital, said, backing call by the national federation of medical associations for a “total lockdown throughout the country”. The bill, if passed, would therefore essentially force the opposition parties to overcome their ideological differences and mount a single national list in 2022, itself a task fraught with potential pitfalls. Breaking News; Germany’s hard lockdown; Deaths in Hungary remain high: virus update In all of Hungary, restrictions of movement have been in place for a month. An official tally showed new infections hit 21,798, nearly doubling the country’s first-wave record. Albania. The death toll has stayed around all-time highs more than a month after the government tightened lockdown restrictions. Before being arrested, Mr Szajer had attempted to flee the scene by climbing out of the window of the first floor and hanging from the gutter. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced Thursday an indefinite extension of lockdown measures announced last month to stem the spread of … The draft bill proposing what would be the 9th amendment to the Hungarian constitution, written in 2011 by the second Orbán government, would enshrine religious doctrine in matters of marriage, gender and childrearing. Lockdown restrictions extended until January 11 Pandemic containment measures, including a nighttime curfew and business closures after 7 p.m., will remain in force for another month after strict lockdown restrictions implemented in November failed to produce significant improvements in Hungary's fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Cities of over 10,000 may also mandate mask-wearing in public places as part of the measures. Here's a breakdown of the proposed changes and what they could mean for Hungary if they are passed, as expected, by Fidesz's supermajority in Parliament. Fines may not be appealed. In a joint statement reacting to the draft bills, the opposition parties wrote, "One of Orbán's desperate steps was to submit a draft proposal on changing the election law - without consultations, a year and a half before Parliamentary elections, and in a completely anti-democratic fashion. “Subject to an unpleasant surprise,” the peak in hospital admissions had been reached, the virologist Yves Van Laethem said, while daily new infections were also down by about 40% against the average of the previous seven days. In a radio interview, he noted that at the time the public should not expect any further restrictions on day-to-day life and that mathematicians had estimated, at the severe end of the scale, that Hungary may contend with 200,000 coronavirus infections, with 16,000 requiring hospitalization and 800 to 1,000 patients on ventilators. Following a meeting of the operative board coordinating efforts against the epidemic, PM Orbán said on Facebook that a decision concerning restrictions on Christmas Eve would be … People should leave their homes only for a good reason. The situation in French hospitals remained grim, with emergency wards approaching capacity and some sick patients being evacuated from struggling hospitals to others that still had space. “We are seeing that the dynamic is levelling off, that the increase is not as strong, but of course that is not the goal,” Spahn said. In justifying the amendments, the draft bill states that “the ‘modern’ set of ideas which relativizes all traditional values, including the creation of two sexes (a woman and a man), is cause for increasing concern.” The text can thus be read as a constitutional rejection of non-conforming gender identities. The timing of the proposed changes - one minute before new pandemic rules went into effect amid record-setting COVID deaths and hospitalizations - was criticized by opposition parties and other observers. Hungary has restricted public gatherings and Dog owners may walk their pets after 8 p.m. within a 500 meter distance of their homes, and professional athletes may attend training sessions within the curfew period. Hungary is making mask wearing mandatory in many public spaces of bigger cities as of Wednesday as part of fresh restrictions designed to curb a sharp rise in coronavirus deaths. We cannot close our eyes and hope it goes away. In an article for 444 on Thursday, Eszter Neuberger outlined how these legal changes serve only to further marginalize sexual minorities in Hungary, and represent a culmination of recent anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and legal maneuvers by government figures. © 2020 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. In addition to the new lockdown rules Viktor Orbán detailed in a Facebook video on Monday (read about them here) the official legal order contained several other details: The Hungarian army will assist police in enforcing curfew regulations and will patrol public areas. The mother is a woman and the father is a man," the bill reads. If the law passes, this would force the parties to either abandon their strategy of running a single opposition candidate against each Fidesz candidate (a strategy which showed signs of effectiveness in 2019 local elections and at a by-election in February), or to unite in fielding a maximum of two party lists. Latest travel advice for Hungary, including how to stay safe during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and information on returning to the UK. Hungary bans people from legally changing gender "I deeply regret for violating the COVID restrictions, it … As of July 15, 2020, the Government of Hungary introduces entry restrictions. Stay updated on the latest news from Hungary by signing up for the free InsightHungary newsletter: those present in a public area after the 8 p.m. curfew must prove with a written declaration signed by their employer that they are either working or commuting to or from work. Hungarian Lawmaker Resigns After Caught Fleeing An 'adult Party' During COVID Restrictions Hungarian MEP from the ruling Fidesz party, Jozsef Szajer has resigned after confessing to violating the COVID-19 lockdown in Belgium, attending ‘adult party’. There are initial signs that the rise of infections in Germany is also flattening, the health minister, Jens Spahn, said on Monday, although he added it would only become clear later this week whether restrictions that came into effect last week were working. Restaurants and cafes will be permitted to reopen their terraces and shops will be allowed to reopen in the capital. ), Another change would enshrine a religious conservative conception of gender, and endow the state with the responsibility of instilling national and Christian values in children. It has avoided … A European Parliament member representing Hungary’s Fidesz party, József Szájer, has resigned after he was caught leaving a large gathering that was described as a male-orgy, in violation of Belgium’s strict lockdown rules banning large gatherings. appeared safe and more than 90% effective. Portugal imposed a state of emergency and ordered about 70% of its population to stay home on weekday nights from 11pm to 5am for the next two weeks – and to only leave the house at the weekend in the mornings until 1pm, unless to buy essentials. Non-Hungarian citizens who are traveling to Hungary to perform some business or economic activity, and are able to credibly attest this during entry are also exempted, and may enter Hungary without restrictions. The Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said the steady growth in cases “remained alarming” but noted that “not all countries are in lockdown”. Infections in the Czech Republic, which has had one of Europe’s highest infection rates in recent weeks, have also started to decline after a two-month rise to record levels, with the country reporting 3,600 new cases from Sunday, the lowest daily tally in four weeks and 3,000 fewer than a week ago. We demand that he withdraw the draft bills, and spend the rest of his time in office without stealing or dirty tricks.". "The basis of the family is marriage and/or the parent-child relationship. The quasi-privatization led to a strike by professors and a 70-day blockade of the university by students. Hungary's government plans to ease the lockdown that has kept the country's businesses shut and residents mostly at home since mid-March, according to the pro-government newspaper Magyar Nemzet, which published the outlines of the plans on Tuesday. Current Entry Requirements to Austria Entry Regulations for Austria. Portugal imposes state of emergency; global cases pass 50m; infections in Germany ‘levelling off’, Mon 9 Nov 2020 11.07 EST As Hungarians waited for information on what changes were coming to their lives the following day, Justice Minister Judit Varga submitted a proposal to amend Hungary's constitution, known as the Fundamental Law, in an apparent attempt to curtail the rights of LGBTQ people and to exempt public foundations run by government allies from scrutiny over their use of public funds. 31 October: From Tuesday, 3 November, a second lockdown will take effect throughout Austria. Hungary’s chief epidemiologist has warned against relaxing restrictions imposed to slow the spread of coronavirus for Christmas and New Year’s Eve, saying that the public needed to remain disciplined in order ensure that the situation in the country improves by spring.. Belgian authorities said they were confident the second wave of coronavirus hospital admissions had peaked, with about 400 people admitted to hospital on Sunday, compared with 879 on 3 November. The restrictions, effective for at least 30 days, would also see leisure facilities close and a ban on all gatherings, with the exception of family gatherings and funerals. Leisure travel will not be allowed, restaurants can only offer takeout, and events will be cancelled until 30 November. all businesses except pharmacies and gas stations must close at 7 p.m., and may re-open no earlier than 5 a.m. all events are banned, including cultural events and Christmas markets, religious services may be held according to the decisions of the congregation, and participants are asked to observe mask-wearing and social distancing guidelines, Use of recreational facilities is forbidden, including gyms, indoor swimming pools, museums, libraries, cinemas, zoos and skating rinks. Parliament passed a bill Tuesday extending a state of emergency for 90 days and enacting new lockdown restrictions, which include an overnight curfew after 8 p.m.. moving high schools and universities to digital education, limiting restaurants to home delivery and closing shops at 7 p.m. (Read more details on the restrictions in our previous article here.) Public transportation will be free for healthcare workers and for medical students participating in the pandemic defence effort. In October, Orbán's chief of staff Gergely Gulyás told reporters that the government did not plan any "significant changes" to the election law before 2022. Commercial flights resumed … Read also Budapest Airport slowly restarts passenger services! Additionally, public parks, swimming pools and baths and the city zoo will also be able to reopen and resume … “We might be tired of Covid-19, but it’s not tired of us,” he said. State Secretary Balázs Orbán, who serves as the chairman of the board of the Matthias Corvinus Collegium Foundation, Military police on patrol in Budapest, April, 2020, recent anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and legal maneuvers, strike by professors and a 70-day blockade of the university by students, record-setting COVID deaths and hospitalizations, their strategy of running a single opposition candidate, the government did not plan any "significant changes". Russia registered a record number of new infections on Monday, with cases in Moscow surpassing a previous high set in May, but the Kremlin has so far ruled out reimposing sweeping restrictions that were lifted earlier this year. Hungary will introduce a state of emergency and impose fresh restrictions to stem a surge in coronavirus infections. As the US pharmaceuticals company Pfizer and its German partner, BioNTech, said their experimental Covid-19 vaccine appeared safe and more than 90% effective, Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orbán, announced a partial lockdown. Hungary reported 181 fatalities from coronavirus Sunday, with 4,153 additional infections. Our only hope is science, solutions and solidarity.”, Available for everyone, funded by readers. As the number of cases worldwide passed 50 million, according to the Johns Hopkins University tracker, a leading expert in Italy – where more than 41,000 people have died – said the situation there was becoming unmanageable. Hungarian authorities announced on Saturday, May 16, that the current coronavirus disease (COVID-19) restrictions in place in Budapest will begin to be lifted from Monday, May 18. The restrictions, due to start on Wednesday and last 30 days, include an extension of an existing night-time curfew, a ban on gatherings, the closure of bars, restaurants and cultural venues and a move to online teaching for universities. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said Hungary’s current, strict coronavirus-related restrictions will be kept in place until January 11. F1 warned against breaking Hungary lockdown restrictions After a punishing two weeks of isolation in Austria, Horner accepts that it will be not be easy to face even tighter restrictions. In an email to InsightHungary, a government spokesperson wrote that "the timing for the submission of the amendment is unrelated to the coronavirus pandemic. The amendment would also require a two-thirds vote in Parliament to create, liquidate or change the operation or staffing composition of any such public foundations, ensuring that in the case of a change of government, existing foundations run by Fidesz-connected actors would retain control of their assets and leaders. If passed, the amendment could lead to public endowments to foundations set up by the government losing their legal status as public funds, allowing those foundations to use the money as they please without accountability to taxpayers and exempting them from public scrutiny or regulation. Hungarian citizens and their relatives can enter Hungary from a “green” country without a health check. Hungary has restricted public gatherings and shut down businesses during the novel coronavirus pandemic, like … In France, which last week reimposed a nationwide lockdown while keeping schools and essential businesses open, the health minister, Olivier Véran, said there were early indications the measures may be starting to slow the latest surge. The proposed changes to the law were seen by some observers as an attempt by the Orbán government (which itself authored the election law in 2011) to further tilt the playing field to its own advantage. They are also in possession of major stock shares (such as 10% of shares of the state-owned energy company MOL and pharmaceutical company Richter, in the case of MCC) and substantial real estate assets. Numerous universities have also been put under the control of foundations created by the government, including the University of Theatre and Film Arts (SzFE). Additional amendments would redefine public funds as the revenues, expenditures and claims of the state, a narrow conception of public money which could allow for its misuse. Belgium, which for part of last month had the highest number of daily cases per capita in Europe, returned to partial lockdown, closing non-essential shops, bars and restaurants and extending its schools’ half-term holidays. Countries are classified into “red”, “yellow” and “green” categories, based on the severity of the COVID situation in each. This law could potentially prohibit not only same-sex couples but also unmarried individuals and unmarried straight couples from adopting children. Parliament passed a bill Tuesday extending a state of emergency for 90 days and enacting new lockdown restrictions, which include an overnight curfew after 8 p.m.. moving high schools and universities to digital education, limiting restaurants to home delivery and closing shops at 7 p.m. (Read more details on the restrictions in our previous article here.). This too goes to show that Orbán doesn't feel safe even in the election system which he himself wrote for his own benefit ... Viktor Orbán has once and for all become unfit for his office. The lockdown will be in force for at least 30 days. Government Decree that came into force on 1 April 2020.”. Magyar Közlöny, the government's Jozsef Szajer, who helped write Hungary… “We have to reduce the numbers.”. At one minute before midnight on Tuesday, Justice Minister Judit Varga submitted a draft bill which would amend Hungarian election law to drastically disadvantage opposition parties in executing their strategy of unifying against Fidesz in 2022 elections. These amendments would effectively constitutionalize the transfer of public wealth to the hands of recipients chosen by the governing party and eliminate any means for transparency or redress. The restrictions, due to start on Wednesday and last 30 days, include an extension of an existing night-time curfew, a ban on gatherings, the closure of … While the official justification for the changes is prevention of pseudo-parties from running in elections, the move appears designed to hinder the opposition parties' declared intentions to unite behind a single joint candidate in each individual constituency. Hungary's partial lockdown will include starting the current night curfew earlier, so it runs from 20:00 to 05:00 local time (19:00 to 04:00 GMT). Visit our live blog for the latest updates Coronavirus news live. “It has become clear that we have managed to curb the epidemic in Budapest as well…and thus we can lift the lockdown,” Orban announced in a video address on his Facebook page. It reads, "Hungary protects children's right to the gender identity they were born with and ensures their upbringing based on our national self-identification and Christian culture.”. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced Monday a partial lockdown aimed at curbing a surge in coronavirus deaths that has sparked predictions of overwhelmed hospitals. Elsewhere, there were glimmers of hope. Hungary and Portugal have become the latest countries in Europe to impose tough new restrictions to stem the second wave of the coronavirus, as the first signs of light at the end of the tunnel emerged in France, Germany and Belgium. Businesses, he said, must close after 7 p.m. Prime Minister Viktor Orban … Still, the logistics of holding primaries to choose a candidate in each of the 106 constituencies and other election regulations would make fielding two lists nearly impossible. The government last week imposed a countrywide night curfew as well as tougher measures in four regions, closing most shops, bars and restaurants and restricting residents’ movements. Mr Szajer was among 25 men who were arrested for breaching restrictions after police raided the 'sex party' on Friday. Orbán told his nation that restrictions to fight the coronavirus pandemic include a new curfew between 8 p.m and 5 a.m. Only those commuting to work are exempted from the nightly lockdown. ... "The curfew restrictions have been reasonable and successful as … 1.) It pays no heed to political rhetoric or conspiracy theories. Businesses which violate regulations can receive fines between 100,000-1 million forints (€280-2,800), and be closed for between one day and one year. Hungary's government plans to ease the lockdown that has kept the country's businesses shut and residents mostly at home since mid-March, according to the pro-government newspaper Magyar Nemzet, which published the outlines of the plans on Tuesday. Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced Monday the government will impose a partial lockdown in an attempt to slow the spread of the coronavirus pandemic following a … … official gazette, until 10:30 p.m., 90 minutes before they went into effect. The passage would effectively bar same-sex couples from marrying or adopting children, and represents an unprecedented incursion into the nature of family life by the Hungarian government. The first paragraph of the constitution would retain a passage defining marriage as between a man and a woman, but would add language amending the legal definition of the family. Hungary Prolongs Coronavirus Lockdown Indefinitely as Infections Near 1,000. All rights reserved. April 9, 2020. ", But on Tuesday, Minister for Family Affairs Katalin Novák wrote on Facebook that "the constitutional amendment became necessary because of the coronavirus pandemic.". Nov 9, 2020. While the bill passed Tuesday afternoon with support from the opposition, details on the new rules were not published in the Nearly 450 people were on ventilators. (A separate bill submitted by Judit Varga on Tuesday would make changes to Hungary's laws on adoption, requiring that only married couples may adopt children unless granted personal special permission by Minister for Family Affairs Katalin Novák. “Non-Hungarian citizens arriving from abroad − with the exception specified in sections (1), (2), and (5) of 4§ − cannot enter the territory of Hungary. Many such foundations, including the Matthias Corvinus Collegium Foundation (MCC) and numerous foundations of the Hungarian National Bank, were set up and run by figures connected to the governing party (and in some cases, government ministers and state secretaries), and have received massive endowments from the state. Individuals and unmarried straight couples from adopting children more than a month only offer takeout and! A good reason police raided the 'sex party ' on Friday result in a fine of between forints! 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