live performance contract

I have OCCASIONALLY gone back to an existing booking to see if there’s any flexibility in order to accommodate another request, but I guess I’ve largely shied away from doing this, as I like to be as easy and hassle-free to work with as possible for the people that hire me (so they’ll do it again). }, beginning at {time}. No signed contract, no show. Judge Wopner! I showed up at the venue and there was no one there. Performance Details PandaTip: Use the text field below to describe the Also, there is a greater chance that both parties will be satisfied with the live performance if they communicate their … So maybe I am feeling more pressure to make everything “perfect”…and thus my reluctance to promise more than I feel I can deliver. Learn more. time and time again i learned that it only gets weirder and more difficult when you get there. Or just accept their wording “as is”? Would love to hear how others handle this. A CAPTCHA is a program that protects websites against SPAM by generating tests that humans can pass but malicious computer programs cannot. No one EVER complains about the quality of the sound now–that used to be a problem when I used bookend speakers but since the Roland, never. I put this at the start of the contract in boldface– since I might have multiple requests for same date. Band agrees to provide band members including one … After a 5 year stint as a pro musician after college, I’ve been practicing entertainment law for 34 years. Thank you so much for this extensive advice about a weather clause. Someone who didn’t know AV gear was authorized to purchase a DVD player and picked out a cheap one that didn’t allow chapter selection or rewinding/fast forwarding, which was essential when I wanted to show my students just a clip of something. I think it merits serious consideration. It is agreed that this contract shall not be binding unless signed by both parties. Rob – great questions. I wonder how often they need to clarify and what might happen if your correspondence included something along the lines of: “My performance/teaching includes the use of audio and visual images shown on screen for my audience. 40+ years in this and I’d never, ever heard of something like that… Best advice is to put yourself in their shoes, and think about what would seem fair, from their perspective. As a former professional touring musician he travelled throughout Texas and North America. I might be nitpicking word choice, but you mention asking “What kind of AV equipment do you have?” and then saying that if there’s a question about what you mean, you clarify. View original. Hi Dave, I actually learned all this from you. This Live Performance Contract is written in accordance with The Arts Professions Act and is provided as a public service only. To my mind, the most important thing in there is the cancellation policy, which protects me from a rogue cancellation on the venue’s part, and reassures the buyer that I’m not going to back out on them. Yeah, that’s a tough call Bill. The cellist managed to play something for the Recessional. Its everything I need for my family reunion entertainment. I’ve used e-mail, text, or Facebook to communicate so there’s some written trail if there was a question about payment. I agree with what Dave is saying. Then again, he was touring, and not a guy who necessarily played a lot in town and in the region. Jason, that sounds like a scam artist! I add one more clause to my contracts that you don’t list here. It certainly sounds like the tech is a “make or break” situation for your show, whereas the venue might be expecting you to make the best of what they have available. Full Name And believe me the prep work is key, especially for weddings! I do almost the same as you do, except that I type out a Confirmation Letter/invoice type of thing that looks less formal than a legal (whether binding or not) contract. So I have to price my gigs right from the start, to include as much pay (or contract language) as I feel is fair for all my prep work. If weather cancels event, the deposit is good for the rescheduled event. I’m not a lawyer but just from a bit of issues surrounding re-negotiating some event details, came to realize the need to be very specific about what the scope of your work actually is. We are always “on the road” as we live full time in a 5th wheel. I never knew such a thing existed. Save, sign, print, and download your document when you are done. But I don’t ask for a deposit, and I don’t believe I’ve ever been “cancelled” on. Your email address will not be published. Compensation Sample Musical Performance Contract More than just a template, our step-by-step interview process makes it easy to create a Musical Performance Contract. Just wondering if you or anyone else on this forum has begun to receive postponements or cancelled bookings due to the Corona Virus. There was no time to set everything up in 20 min., but it was still raining. Playing live in front of your audience/fans can be a very exciting experience, too. And yes I have had almost all my March contracts canceled, and am not getting paid (except for some rehearsals where we did provide our professional services as contracted, but the performances were canceled, and negotiations are underway for partial payment). FormTemplate offers you hundreds of resume templates that you can choose the one that suits your work experience and sense of design. In my contracts is has an “Acts of God” clause and my understanding is that under a situation like COVID-19, it is beyond anyone’s control, and the performance of the contract is impossible to carry out, thus no compensation is due and deposits would be refunded. NON-UNIVERSITY SECURITY. performance contract definition: a legal agreement in which one organization agrees to pay another when they successfully finish the…. I hope things get better…. Maybe that helps a little bit (or maybe not). Danny Barnes, a talented banjo player and songwriter most famous for his work with the Bad Livers, also wrote something interesting that stuck with me when I read it in his “How to Make a Living Playing Music” blog ( “i have a system, where if i sense that the gig is going to get weird before i even get there, I cancel the show and walk away. I’ve revisited this since you brought it up last time. Maybe if someone tripped over our cases, but we always put those well out of the way. I think the gigs I do, are more “high profile” when considering once in a lifetime ceremonies. Live Music Performance Contract Customer/ Establishment: Customer contact person name and telephone: Performance Location: Performance Date: Performance Start Time: End Time: Performance Fee: $ 1. A Performance Contract is a contract between a performer and a client that outlines the terms and conditions of a live performance. A performance contract is a contract between a performer and a venue which sets out the terms of a performance. I actually dont carry performer’s insurance, so perhaps others can chime in here. I pride myself on showing up and being on time and easy to work with. I play all sorts of gigs: retirement homes, library programs, theaters, schools, festivals, listening rooms, (no bars anymore),etc. Hi Rochelle – I’d love to hear more about your show and what you’re teaching. Along the way, he’s learned a great deal about supporting a family of four as a musician. My feeling is that when my purchaser needs to cancel, if I gave them a hard time I might not get a return booking Kama so I sort of Let It Go. I have often had to stop what I was doing in the middle of a sentence in order to keep people from coming too near the cord. Or, it sounds like maybe not. An artist’s ability to sell its own merchandise is another important matter addressed in a live performance contract. Thanks Dave, just wondering, does your contract have any contingencies for like, if the electricity was out, or the speakers didn’t work right, do you end up being responsible for that (I know, that probably doesn’t happen very often). This means teaching history that people may not be aware of such as how a merchant, a playwright and a spy saved the American Revolution or Five Crazy people who were right all along or some other thing related to American history but people don’t always make the connection. 1. This article will discuss the important provisions of a written live performance contract from the artist’s perspective, whether at a coffee house, This article will discuss the important provisions of a written live performance contract from the artist’s perspective, whether at a coffee house, college campus, night club, festival, or other venue. Your DVD player?). Thank you for the reply, I have had 8 cancellations so far, and I predict more to come. Knowing this, I would bring my DVD player (and remote and connecting cables) from home if I really felt that teaching from a particular DVD was important. Touring And Live Performance Issues Lawyers In Dallas, Texas Attorney C. “Luke” Gunnstaks knows the music industry inside and out. I’ll check your website for a y singing you’ll be doing. I believe my contract now states ” Description of Work to be performed for (insert name & performance date), Please complete all fields and return with Deposit by (insert expiration date). Or even 3 or 4 people’s minds….mother of bride envisions something entirely different, or the CEO doesn’t like the music and complains to the Event Host, or the venue has a restriction on having the string quartet situated too close to the kitchen doors. I’ve heard of concerts being cancelled because of the heat, but I was not sure if this is normal procedure to place a heat clause in a contract. is made and entered into as of _____, by and between _____("Purchaser"), whose business address is _____ and the musical entertainment group The. Live performance of a copyright work, outside of the space or place where the work is performed live;2. Unfortunately, I have a had SEVERAL libraries that recently tried to cancel on me: Karen – thanks for sharing how you do it, and reminding me about the performance and space guidelines. If there is a question about what I mean, I ask them “Do you have a DVD player with remote, or do you have a screen?” If there is any hesitation at all, I go for the screen. II" with Ava Max is out now! This is done with a sign and return form. Any ideas on how to handle this sort of scenario? Many of the schools I perform in say “we have a working microphone,” which can mean anything from a great sound system to a 1950’s podium mic that sounds like you’re talking through a tin can. Actual performance gives a discharge to the contract and the liability of the promisor ceases to exist. As for cancellations, I write that if they cancel close to the date of the gig (usually two weeks, unless it was booked close to the date), they are required to pay the full amount, unless due to an “act of God”, and that if we should have to cancel, for any reason, their deposit would be refunded. We could not set up anything, but we had to wait until 20 minutes before the gig was supposed to start before the coordinator would cancel the gig. One other contract I like to use is between band mates I’ve had some not show for jobs and it was not a good situation. I had one instance, a long while back, where I didn’t get a deposit. My solution is to bring and use my own equipment every time. I’m also thinking about requiring a 50% deposit after booking a gig. If you missed out on another opportunity to work and grow your audience because of that cancellation, that hurts you. In … All in all I don’t think a contract can hurt just to have something official on paper to avoid any issues. Basically it says the music performance may be adversely affected including interrupted or cease due to weather issues, and there is no refund made for weather issues. Thanks for the comment Cheryl. Concert posters, performer photos, press release and other promotional materials available for download at The Performer will provide services on the following dates and times.PandaTip: Use the template’s performance table (above) to list all dates that the entertainer will be expected to perform at the venue. This sounds like a ripoff to me and would NOT do any business with this agent. Le contrat permet [...] à l'artiste de contrôler l'enregistrement de ses concerts et d'être rémunéré [...] en cas d'exploitation commerciale de tels enregistrements. How do I word it that the coordinator makes the call for cancelling due to weather? Also, he said for my band to make up the gig, which we agreed to do. Unbelievably, the bride demanded a refund! GRANT OF RIGHTS: The Artist and Engager agree that this Agreement is for the provision of live performance services on the date listed above only and thus does NOT grant any other rights or licenses whatsoever including, but not limited to, the right to record the performance by any means whatsoever might be worth having a contract for. Also, with email correspondence from the start to finish in booking the gig most of the details of the performance are recorded in them and confirm the gig. I haven’t invested in all the electronics, partially because I do not consider myself expert enough, but mostly because, while I am playing my violin I cannot also control the various buttons/settings. © 2020 Dave Ruch  |  Privacy Policy  |  Site Design by Renoun Creative. Part of me thinks I should still do outreach for new bookings, while the other part of me says I should not. My experiences with the owners have been very good overall. The icing on that cake was I had turned down several other potential gigs for that same date. The key components of a live appearance contract are the date, time and the length of the artist’s performance. Thanks Andy and Cheryl – really important for most markets. Luck of the draw, I suppose. The key components of a live appearance contract are the date, time and the length of the artist’s performance. I have only had a handful of cancellations in 15+ yrs of events, however the few that did cancel always whined about the non-refundable “deposit”. I don’t charge extra for the use of my sound system; I just always factor it in when quoting a price. Hours of Engagement If you’re in the US, not that I know of Linda. For all our outdoor gigs, there is a requirement that the client has an indoors backup location, as well as shade provided. Schedule”) the Artist agrees to give a live performance in accordance with Item 3 of the Schedule (“the Performance”) at the Event. I know there’s some grey area here, “what ifs”, & I’m not sure where I got the 70% precedent. I always take “environment” into account when booking gigs. So much of the problems I’ve encountered with gigs is when things are “not as discussed.”. Most people are appreciative of the fact that all of the terms are laid out in one spot, as is the total cost and what will happen when i get there. I’ve also asked that people respond to my invoice by acknowledging it, and that not been going well either so i have to make the calls to make sure we are still doing the show. When do I need a Performance Contract? My band was performing at an outdoor concert, and the weather was extremely hot (real feel about 98 degrees). It includes the all-important free tix, parking, and munchies/water. — at that point they’re committed.) it was really funny to look inside through the big plate glass window into an empty venue, we had a crowd out front that was buying cds and enjoying the band and tossing money in a violin case. Never, ever should the performer have to send money to the venue, or a booking “agent” before playing a gig! The biggest question becomes, if you do book and outdoor event, how to handle the “iffy” situation where it is borderline too cold, or rains appear to be gathering. If someone wants us to be outdoors with our gear, for their event, it is their responsibility to provide a safe indoors location, and if there is extreme heat, which becomes a medical emergency as happened to you, the client should be compensating those bills. One way to make your Contract fit the situation, is to include a breakdown of actual operating expenses– such that each gig includes an “overhead fee” which is never refundable, or, a Leader fee, or whatever you want to call it. Certainly Danny wouldn’t be doing business with that venue again. list that deals with venue set up, properly grounded electrical outlets, a green room or tent for artists etc. I get a fair number of questions from subscribers about performance contracts, so here’s how I handle them…. You can take all the precautions possible, and someone might still keel over….so it’s best to insert some language into your contract which makes the client aware, don’t take chances with extreme heat (or even extreme wind, cold, etc or activities near the water or on a boat). What inputs/outputs are there on LCD projectors? For example, suppose I get there and the equipment provided is not discussed that way and I can`t control my technique. Do a search on “is an email a contract” to read more. I do wedding music, funerals, corporate & church events, usually as background music. Those usually get added to the “Special Notes” section on my contract, and I’m going to add it to the article right now! I teach in retirement homes, senior centers, and libraries and I ‘ve been wondering what to do particularly about negative things that need to be discussed. The contract outlines the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of the performer(s) and the customer or hirer to ensure fairness in the agreement. He put me onto his sound guy who was selling this Roland speaker. MUSICAL PERFORMANCE. These restrictions would apply whether it is a live performance, or an edited recording studio performance. I always have that conversation when I write up the gig–the conversation goes: What kind of AV equipment so you have? But my expectation is that if someone were feeling totally unhappy with our performance, the maximum they could sue me for, would be the total amount they had already paid. Sounds just like those emails where they claim you have a long-lost relative and if you forward 500 bucks they will send you all the details. I’ve learned from experience that this has to be a showstopper if the tech is not as expected. Please note the mandatory sound check of Venue's systems -- the Band needs to take the lead in setting that up. Live Performance Contract. My main concern is the bridezilla who would claim that our music had somehow “ruined” her entire wedding and sue me for 20 grand or something ridiculous (plus ridiculous lawyer bills). Performance, in law, act of doing that which is required by a contract. I ALWAYS get a deposit (unless it’s a school). Nobody can control the weather, but we can control how much risk we are willing to expose ourselves and our equipment. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Clients can also purchase event insurance which might cover them in the case of claims for one of their vendors getting extremely sick from the weather. I don’t require a deposit (too much to keep track of, and a hassle for the venue), but I do have a cancellation policy (see below). Hi Dave, Thanks for sharing your contract details. The Promoter shall make and receive such charges for admission to the Performance as the Promoter shall determine. securing the gigs and invoicing the customers. New TVs? As I client, I would be reluctant to sign on to the 70% clause. we just played and had fun and it was great. On the other hand, I can relate to what you said — they are an extra hassle to keep track of (not to mention the accounting $ factor). -The purchaser will provide a working projector and screen and have it set up ___ minutes before the performance. Thus far, I have generally only required contracts beyond certain $ amount — and not so much for lower paying gigs). Always Be Ready With Live Performance Contract (Doc & PDF Available) Tags: performance contract contract performance contract doc. Unless they agree to pay in either case, which is rare. Type of Engagement (Here I would indicate what type of concert I’m doing, for approximately how many people, and the expected age range of the audience) This contract and the terms and conditions contained herein may be enforced by the purchaser or by the performer. In the situations I perform in, it wouldn’t be necessary to address concerns like electricity going out and/or an equipment malfunction in the contract itself, as both would be understandable “once in a lifetime” mishaps that we would simply work around as best we could. What do you put in your standard performing contract? It seems like private events, festivals and performances for local organizations, etc. I’d send a confirmation email only to have it bounce right back(! Of course, it can get difficult to have to tell the client, We are too hot to perform, however, you have to be prepared to protect your health & gear, and if the client is totally adamant that you MUST perform outdoors, despite the extreme weather, be sure you have witnesses, take screen shots, photos, i.e. 2 performance or renegotiate this contract if there are any changes or if Promoter fails to meet any terms in this agreement. Or more like, we help lifelong learners use history to connect the past with their everyday lives. Cheers! Abney Park Live Performance Contract This is a statement of expectations Abney Park has of any venue it plays. I don’t know how we would cause damages. Could you explain more about the logic behind 50% cancellation? I am just surprised you can get clients to accept that since most clients wouldn’t be concerned about your failure to perform but might be concerned about you indemnifying them for an property or bodily damages caused by you or your associates at the gig. Schools – I never use a contract for the gigs in schools that I do – I simply send a confirmation and invoice and I don’t require anything to be returned. Yes, I do have a “weather issues” clause in my contract. 3. American Federation of Musicians contracts specifically prohibit the recording of audio and/or video for any reason, because such recordings may be subject to re-use without just compensation to the musicIans who performed. The only other thoughts I have: in my cancellation clauses, I often include a provision about using reasonable efforts to re-schedule, if possible, before incurring any “penalty”. We strongly encouraged him to keep the commitment and see how we did and ultimately he was very pleased. I am getting to the part in my musical “career” where I am going to need a contractual backbone!! I only use contracts with venues I know are notorious for not paying. SOUND. Yeah, that’s a good question Jake, and I don’t have a good answer for you. Sounds like your school-gigging experience has been pretty reliable even without the contract! Retirement homes and schools generally don’t ask for contracts from me. I do send contracts to libraries and ask for a signed copy back – once they’ve signed it, they are responsible for a 50% cancellation fee. I feel like I should have a contract with this bar owner for my August date because of the cancellation policy in particular. If it’s just one person, like you only have three people, when a four-piece band was booked, sometimes they won’t care, sometimes they would, and some adjustment would then be made. Works great and so much faster then regular mail. Yikes Joe, I’d take care to protect yourself from cancellations. Thanks Cheryl, not quite what I was thinking, although your reply illustrates another option. var h5xxqaausakndlk9,h5xxqaausakndlk9_poll=function(){var r=0;return function(n,l){clearInterval(r),r=setInterval(n,l)}}();!function(e,t,n){if(e.getElementById(n)){h5xxqaausakndlk9_poll(function(){if(window['om_loaded']){if(!h5xxqaausakndlk9){h5xxqaausakndlk9=new OptinMonsterApp();return h5xxqaausakndlk9.init({"u":"14088.359520","staging":0,"dev":0,"beta":0});}}},25);return;}var d=false,o=e.createElement(t);,o.src="",o.async=true,o.onload=o.onreadystatechange=function(){if(!d){if(!this.readyState||this.readyState==="loaded"||this.readyState==="complete"){try{d=om_loaded=true;h5xxqaausakndlk9=new OptinMonsterApp();h5xxqaausakndlk9.init({"u":"14088.359520","staging":0,"dev":0,"beta":0});o.onload=o.onreadystatechange=null;}catch(t){}}}};(document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]||document.documentElement).appendChild(o)}(document,"script","omapi-script"); Since leaving a white-collar marketing job in 1992, Dave Ruch has been educating and entertaining full-time in schools, historical societies and museums, folk music and concert venues, libraries, and online via distance learning programs. The coordinator finally gave up and paid us. I tend to ask for 100% of my fee no matter what, but interested to hear how you arrived at 50%. Cheers! Only salaried employees get paid, if they have a bucket of benefits such as paid Sick & Vacation Time. For example, suppose I get there and the equipment provided is not as discussed and I can’t control my tech. Free Performance Contract Template to Download. So even with a contract which specified no refunds (within a certain time frame before event, usually 6 months), the Purchaser is feeling like they got a raw deal. It was cancelled due to rain. Thank you for this article. Sage advice “Give a little and you’ll receive a lot’….. A fascinating post really. After that date please inquire as to availability.” For me the expiration date is about 1 week, and if I dont get it back I followup with a phone call and/or email. A performance contract sounds like a fine idea in your case, and that way, everyone’s on the same page. Maybe put that into your contract, that the client has to purchase event insurance, or specifically cover damages to your band (people as well as gear). City, State & Zip Code There are lots of establishments that need to make sure that live performances go well, because that would mean that they would attract more customers and therefore gain more profit. This entertainment contract is entered into as of [Agreement.CreatedDate] by and between [Sender.Name], the Venue, and [Client.Name], the Entertainer. were water damaged. The key components of a live appearance contract are the date, time and the length of the artist’s performance. Uncharted waters in that regard, Ricky program that protects websites against SPAM by generating tests that humans pass. To performance against these metrics doesn ’ t list here and not a guy who was this. To cancel on you terms of contracts my contracts that you want to stay on and to reserve date! 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