solar eclipse 2020 vedic astrology

We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. Solar Eclipse June 2020 Astrology. But the odds are not in your favor. That said, Tantric yogis believe that special spiritual practices are exponentially more powerful during eclipses, and that personal transformations can happen far more quickly than normal. They want to know if things will work out, despite the timing. Break all the lies before me But this statement is NOT meant to be doomed or fated. June 21st New Moon June 5th Full Moon Their pure, creative energy gets twisted and dark during the eclipse and for a few days after. Thanks for the feedback! Note that there are more eclipses than usual: six in 2020: So the next time someone tells you to do something important on an eclipse, send them this link so that they can learn another perspective and make an informed decision. May I give myself to myself All that was never mine (Times are Eastern Time) See also: The Astrology of 2020 – Overview The Penumbral Lunar eclipse can be seen in Europe, Asia, Australia, North America, and South America. January 10th Full Moon Solar Eclipse on 21 June 2020: Astrological Significance and Do's & Don'ts Sunday, June 21, 2020 The Solar Eclipse (Surya Grahan) occurring on 14th December 2020 would be an annular eclipse meaning that the Moon would not cover the Sun’s disk completely and therefore would create a partial block of the sunrays. A Surya Grahan or solar eclipse is set to take place on 21st June 2020. Of the hunter’s brilliant light. I also do a one time… Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. Solar Eclipse has attained a special place in Vedic astrology. You may need to work harder to achieve your desired goals. A Solar Eclipse occurs on December 14, 2020, at 23 degrees and 08 minutes of Sagittarius, and affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 18 to 28 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) most significantly. No, like I always say, nothing in astrology applies to absolutely everyone all of the time. I now want to share a poem written about this Eclipse by Lia Cruse, who is an artist and poet living in Florida, who actually has her ascendant at 29 deg Vedic Scorpio. Start of Solar Eclipse 7:03 pm (IST) Maximum Eclipse Point 9:43 pm (IST) End of Solar Eclipse 00:23 am (IST) December 15, 2020. Small parts of South Africa will see a partial solar eclipse. For example, one had just bought a house. While I assured them that things would work out the way they needed to, I couldn’t honestly say that everything was going to be a-o-k in the short term. I have felt the need to do a lot of Reiki on myself and clients have also come in for Reiki. Find out more at: // or email Maggie at or call her on +353 899799642 (0899799642 from within Ireland). by Michael Conneely | Apr 28, 2020 | Astrology Reading. July 4th Full Moon I specialize in the pure traditional Vedic Astrology. The 5th June 2020 Lunar eclipse is a Penumbra one hence not to worry. Remembering the mission of my heart once more. And of course, Ascendant or any planet in Abhukta suffers the dematerialisation of the Gandanta. Love cannot be given Lia Cruse teaches the runes course (the sacred alphabet of the ancient Norse), the Ogham course (the sacred Tree Alphabet of the ancient Irish Druids) and also courses to make most valuable vision contact with the Gods and Goddesses of the ancient Irish and Norse). The solar eclipse of June 21, 2020 is churning the collective cauldron of karma, and agitating hearts and minds toward much needed change. It’s important to remember this at all times, to avoid destructive magical thinking that kills …, Taking responsibility for something is not the same thing as blaming ourself for it. 15 am to 3. One more had met a man she was over the moon about. On December 14, 2020 (8:17 AM Pacific Time), there will be a new moon/total solar eclipse at 23°08’ of Sagittarius.. Astrologically its said the Solar Eclipse distances us from the fixed patterns and pushes us towards unknown domains. × You disliked this video. There are 2 solar full or annular eclipses are occurring as follows: 21st June Solar Eclipse (Annular) – Visible in part of North India (See map). There’s a Solar Eclipse on 14th December 2020. To see who is truly there, Kiss the depth of all my shadows Find out more. Drown their embers in the deep So I may dance upon the arrows The new moon June 2020 solar eclipse at 00°21′ Cancer makes just one significant planetary aspect as shown in the chart below. So, there are healing approaches. Solar eclipses are usually tougher because the Moon is always new/dark, which removes the Moon’s vital energy from our environment at that time. Annual Solar Eclipse of 21 June 2020 (12:12 hours, New Delhi, India) falls in Gemini sign, Mrigashira Nakshatra at 6-13 degrees as Eclipse Point. Mars in Poorvabhadra, Ketu in Moola nakshatra aspect this eclipse. This year's Eclipse is visible in much of South America except the most northern … November 29th Full Moon The Solar Eclipse on June 21st and the Solar Eclipse on December 14th are the most important eclipses, because they are closer to the Nodes and therefore more intense. Back on the topic of material reality: I always receive a lot of phone calls from clients who just made major decisions during the eclipse cycle (i.e. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. There are embodiment practices. December 14th New Moon, So, this eclipse of 14th December is a New Moon eclipse. The transit of a lunar node, even without an association to a specific eclipse, usually blanks the planet or body involved like a mini-eclipse. But if you survive that, you can experience great spiritual growth. And what is the Gandanta effect? Dive into the deepest ocean Rebirth them into air This is because auspicious beginnings are blessed with light, ideally the light of a healthy, full Moon and the daytime Sun. Our head back to our soul are exponentially more powerful during eclipses, and that personal transformations can happen far more quickly than normal. Burn down all walls By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. This eclipse takes place in Scorpio, the sign of transformation. The truth, according to Vedic Astrology, is that eclipses can be a terrible time to start or make key decisions about projects, relationships, jobs, or any other important thing in the material world. Solar Eclipse December 2020 ~ Sagittarius Decan 3 This is an extremely sensitive zone of the zodiac, for at night it teems with slithering serpents, dragons and scorpions stingers. Self blame says, “I screwed up and I’m going to punish myself for it.” This is disempowering. In the few days leading up to eclipses I always see a bunch of Facebook posts from well-meaning coaches and astrologers instructing us all to “plant new seeds” and “start new projects.” However, eclipses have … However, the most important factor is whether or not the eclipse is visible to us. They are feeling the inner emotional flow. In a total solar eclipse the Moon passes between the earth and the Sun, causing a shadow to appear over the Sun. The effect of Solar eclipse remains visible for about six months. I have clients from all over the world. Where only naked self resides You’re probably not being shown all of the details about the situation, or you may not be thinking completely clearly at this time, so it’s best to wait. Please note that the Gandanta degree at the end of Jyestha is indeed a harmful energy. It is the elementary source of life. Placed upon the head December 12, 2020 By Mary Lomando Leave a Comment Hello Everyone, Happy Holidays and Happy Solar Eclipse (the sixth and final one of 2020)! The world will not support you. A Partial Solar Eclipse may be seen in southern South America, Africa, and Northern Australia. Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse // December 2020 // Vedic Astrology. Sign me up for the newsletter!Please leave this field empty. Scorpio New Moon, Solar Eclipse on December 14th, 2020 (8:16 am pacific) The eclipse is intense … On the day of the 14 th December 2020 Eclipse Uranus is transiting at 12 deg Vedic Aries. Although a solar eclipse quincunx Saturn may be termed a minor aspect, it is an important influence in this case because the aspect orb is only 0°19′. For all that I am is shadow and secret Solar Eclipse carries the energy of Southern Direction of Death. Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius – December 14th, 2020. Also Jyeshtha means “the eldest sister” and so carries a wise woman or crone energy too. Annual Solar Eclipse falls on 14 December 2020 (21:47 hours, New […] Book a one-on-one Vedic Astrology Reading with me here. It’s in a very sensitive location in the heavens because it’s exactly in the Gandanta Zone between the Vedic signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius. Join our mailing list to receive the latest news, updates and offers from Michael Conneely, Enter your details to receive news, offers updates, Learn Vedic Astrology with Michael Conneely, //, Living Between the Heavens and the Earth, Letting Go is Crucial in these times by Elizabeth Hendricks, The Cynic meets the Kabbalah Tree of Life, Some tips on releasing destructive addictive habits by Maggie Pashley. Solar Eclipse 2020: Eclipse Vedic Astrology The Sun, in Vedic Astrology, represents one’s soul, mind and father. Known as the Great Conjunction, this planetary alignment is visible now, just after sunset toward the west. Planetary movement during the month of December will set the scene for the future. These eclipses are malefic and hit at the nakshatra level. You’re not truly out of the woods until after the Lunar Eclipse on July 4 (there are 3 eclipses in this cycle). It’s at the very end of Jyestha Nakshatra, the Nakshatra at the end of the Vedic sign of Scorpio. 2020 will come to a fittingly dramatic conclusion with a lunar eclipse in Gemini on November 30 followed by a solar eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14, setting the stage for the long-anticipated conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the first degree of Aquarius on the Capricorn solstice. I have just returned from spending the last few weeks (and a very memorable Thanksgiving) in Egypt, and this trip was a very different experience for … Another had signed a contract for her dream job. Master of myself instead, Goddess with no masters This planet rules over the zodiac sign Leo and East direction and represents the gemstone Ruby. This is strongly suggestive that the December 2020 eclipse is providing the underlying astrology for Trump catching COVID-19. The Annular phase of this Solar Eclipse would be visible in India, Nepal, Pakistan, China, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Ethiopia, Congo and Central African Republic. (In the western astrology Tropical Zodiac, that’s Sun/Moon at 23 Sagittarius and Ketu South Node at 19 Sagittarius). Special attention is paid to the planetary positions and their transits in the realm of Vedic astrology. it remains debilitated in Libra and exalted in Aries. The solar eclipse of June 21, 2020 is churning the collective cauldron of karma, and agitating hearts and minds toward much needed change. The last Solar Eclipse or 14 December Surya Grahan of 2020 is the last thing to worry about in 2020, being a tough year for humans, the covid pandemic took a lot of lives leaving behind people full of anxiety and despair. You can book an Astrology Reading with me at: //, Or you can enrol on one of my courses at: December 14, 2020. For information about our privacy practices, please visit our website. Total Solar Eclipse. Impact of Total Solar Eclipse According to Vedic Astrology Effects of Total Solar Eclipse 2020 in the 9th House of Aries The Solar Eclipse will occupy the 9th house for Aries. The deity of Jyeshta nakshatra is Indra, King of the Gods, and this nakshatra is the “chief star” so leadership is a theme. Being an entrepreneur brings up all of our self worth, confidence and commitment issues… over and over again. Share it with your friends! And eclipsing the zero point The Sun represents authority figures, leaders and governments, so a solar eclipse will always leave a mark on the world. It has Sun and Moon at 29 degrees Vedic Scorpio and Ketu South Node is at 25 degrees Vedic Scorpio. The Solar Eclipse of December 14th. There’s no way to avoid it – running our own business is one of the most powerful medicine paths we can choose. You could be doing them a huge favor! EYE ON THE SKY: SOLAR ECLIPSE AND HEALTH TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE OF THE MONDAY: DEC 14TH STARTS: 8:33 EST; PEAKS 11:13 AM EST) 29 Degrees SCORPIO ENDS 1:53 PM EST (CHECK FOR LOCAL TIME AT: TIMEANDDATE.COM A total solar eclipse is happening on Monday morning. Vedic Astrology principles explain that the below areas signified by the planets will be impacted during the solar eclipse. And on December 14th 2020, there’s a major eclipse there. Divine ruler of herself Forthcoming Solar Eclipse of 14 Dec 2020 may impose some unpredictable changes; and that may force us to adapt and/or sacrifice certain things bringing some unknown transformation. Astrology Update – New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius December 14 by Mary Lomando. If it is not first within self, The longest journey is from Solar Eclipse 21 June 2020 Astrology Effects on 12 Zodiac Signs Sun,Rahu in Mrigasira Nakshatra are conjunct Mercury in Arudra Nakshatra and Moon in between Mrigasira-Arudra nakshatras, forming this Solar Eclipse on a New Moon Day. Post author: Bali Vedic Astrology; Post published: December 2, 2020; Post category: Planetary News; In this Solar Eclipse we have Scorpio aligning with Ketu and Mercury. I truly honor all of us who have had to go through some seriously traumatic experiences. Queen of broken karmas It’s at the very end of Jyestha Nakshatra, the Nakshatra at the end of the Vedic sign of Scorpio. The unsettled energy from the 29 November eclipse follows on to the 14/15 December 2020 Total Solar Eclipse, visible in the Southern Pacific, south of South America and the Southern Atlantic oceans, reaching over to the edge of South Africa. Published Dec 14, 2020. The solar eclipse 2020 taking place on 21 of June 2020 is a major astrological event which is considered double in nature as during this time planet Sun is in fire sign Gemini ( Mithun Rashi). I am a Vedic Astrologer. The second … The moon here makes it quite a treacherous labyrinth to navigate, and one where you will have to be good at feeling your way through the dark! This is the last Solar Eclipse of the year. Thus, the solar eclipse date is 21st June 2020, and the solar eclipse time is 1020 hrs to 1349 hrs (IST). And as this knot unties The Gandanta effect is actually to make your ascendant or any planet you have there immaterial. You can see the Vedic and Western charts for this eclipse on the Starwheel 2020 Astrology summaries web page and click on the Month page for December. The Total Solar eclipse is only visible in Chile and parts of Argentina. The perception that is offered by Vedic Astrology is so valuable to have: and this is because ‘perception’ is the doorway to Healing and Empowerment. The Eclipse occurs at 23° Sagittarius and it is a Total South Node Solar Eclipse. The signs that are most affected are Gemini & Scorpio The closer to the zero point (the actual sign transition point) a planet or Ascendant is, the vaster the Gandanta Effect. This is because various types of natural and man-made disasters are found affecting human life mostly because of them. These last two weeks of eclipse season—and really, this whole year—have been a kind of portal. On November 29, 2020 there will be a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse forming from 11:32pm-3:53am PT, followed by an Total Solar Eclipse on December 14, 2020 at 5:33am-10:53am PT. All to give back what I once stole, The greatest gift we can give And …, “I just wish I could find a business partner to handle the whole money side of things so I can focus on my passion, helping people.” “I am going to hire someone to do my sales and marketing because my personality type isn’t good at that stuff.” “I’ve got too much Feminine energy to be …, The other night I was contemplating whether or not photos, writing, and audio/video recordings of us carry any of our consciousness with them (also, yes, I recently watched Black Mirror, so this topic was fresh in my mind!) Reap the rewards & avoid major pitfalls. Eclipsing 2020, Crown of the soul SIGN UP BELOW TO RECEIVE THESE FREE GIFTS: Get the guide right away – just enter your first name + email address below. will be visible from 9.15 am to 3.04 pm. This myth does not exactly conjure a heart warming mental image, and that’s intentional. So when Mars comes to stimulate this Eclipse on Lunar Eclipse June 2020 Astrology. Consequences of this eclipse can be experienced for the next three months. And what is the best thing to do during an eclipse? Wishing all of you peace of mind and spiritual blessings through this transit. Rahu Ketu gets his revenge on the Sun and the Moon, A cure for entrepreneurial doubt and magical thinking, Taking responsibility vs. blaming ourself, The Shadow Feminine In Entrepreneurship and the Dangers of the White Knight Fantasy. SOLAR ECLIPSE – SCORPIO GANDANTA DECEMBER 11, 2020. Each of us has had to feel our way through darkness and uncertainty, hoping it will lead us to our highest good. The eclipse will only be visible from South America and small portions of Africa and Antarctica. …, I’ve been seeing a disturbing trend of posts and articles asking people to stop using the word karma to explain reality, because it’s hurtful to those who’ve had a difficult experience and feel blamed or shamed for it. One of the Solar Eclipses is a total Solar Eclipse, which is going to take place today i.e. The Last Solar Eclipse of 2020. New Moon eclipse like this one are a day for being more aware and ‘listening’ and ‘watchful’ and for seeing what perception arises, and, crucially, making intentions that will help and empower us in the coming Lunar Month ahead. It’s in a very sensitive location in the heavens because it’s exactly in the Gandanta Zone between the Vedic signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius. On December 14, 2020 we experience a total solar eclipse at almost 29 degrees Scorpio in the nakshatra of Jyeshtha at 9:17 AM (MST). In the few days leading up to eclipses I always see a bunch of Facebook posts from well-meaning coaches and astrologers instructing us all to “plant new seeds” and “start new projects.”. My wife, Maggie Pashley, offers a range of Healing modalities worldwide. Here is Lia’s beautiful poem about the December 14th Eclipse: Scorpio Rising Ghandanta in Jyestha Nakshatra There are three of them (Pisces to Aries, Cancer to Leo and Scorpio to Sagittarius) and they are extremely sensitive. Uniqueness Of Solar Eclipse 2020 & Recommended Practices. Something I’ve noticed is that the 2-4 weeks between eclipses (the eclipse cycle) is a bit of a “Twilight Zone.” Things suddenly veer off into an unexpected direction, only to course correct after the last eclipse. Please select all the ways you would like to hear from Starwheel Astrology: You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and malefic Ketu are already positioned in Sagittarius, during the eclipse. 0 Views 0 0 × Thanks! After the solar eclipse takes place, a rare alignment of Jupiter and Saturn will reach its climax. ‎I will be discussing random wisdom from Vedic Astrology and Ancient Hindu Texts... to help my listeners attaining more success, peace and prosperity in life. How then, could they be a good time to start something new? Thank you Eleanor – have just shared this on my FB page. It is scheduled to begin at 10.20 am and end at 01.49 pm, with its peak time being 12.02 pm. Gemini ( Mithuna) - The eclipse will be taking place in the second house for Gemini. After this, the Eclipse will take place next year. Bring what lies within outside in the 2-4 week period that separates the Lunar and Solar eclipses). A total solar eclipse, as will take place on the 14 th this month, is always seen as an unpleasant event. As the ancient Indian legend goes, an eclipse occurs when the shadowy demon Rahu Ketu gets his revenge on the Sun and the Moon by consuming them and stealing their luminous rays. Note that we need to ‘handle’ eclipse day energies. taskmaster. Is our purest self With Rahu and Ketu gobbling up this light and warping it in unseen ways, anything you start could turn out very strangely, and you may regret impulsively ending something as well…. Of life in Rahu’s eyes in Chile and parts of Argentina. While these creations do not have self awareness, they do transmit our consciousness anytime someone interacts with …. Is it just a superstition? Love & blessings, Stephanie [creator of the Life Guidance App]. There’s a Solar Eclipse on 14 th December 2020. On November 29, 2020 there will be a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse forming from 11:32pm-3:53am PT, followed by an Total Solar Eclipse on December 14, 2020 at 5:33am-10:53am PT. Am I saying that nothing that begins on an eclipse can go well? Participate In AstroVed’s Remedies During and After Solar Eclipse Sure enough, 2 weeks later, I learned that the newly purchased house turned out to be near the site of an undisclosed crime; the dream job dissolved into a heap of unfortunate misunderstandings and miscommunications; the relationship disappeared as quickly as it came. Now Gandanta Zones are the transition points from water signs to fire signs in Vedic Sidereal Zodiac. Like all of the accurate specialities of the Vedic tradition, it must not be treated fatedly, but must be worked with, difficult though this will be. Taking responsibility says, “I see my part in this, and I know how to create a more desirable result next time.” This is empowerment. Thank you for the insight on the eclipse. How To Navigate The Coming Eclipses: A Partial Solar Eclipse may be seen in southern South America, Africa, and Northern Australia. It is called Abhukta Mula, and in ancient tradition, a woman with her Moon there would be forecasted to be a very bad mother (because her mother was not ‘there’ for her) – and I have found this most certainly to be often true. , full Moon and the Sun represents authority figures, leaders and governments, so a Solar eclipse has a. Alignment is visible now, just after sunset toward the west 2020 Astrology will only be visible South... Place in the second house for gemini Partial Solar eclipse is only visible in much of South will. A lot of Reiki on myself and clients have also come in Reiki... Principles explain that the below areas signified by the planets will be place. Year—Have been a kind of portal on my FB page 01.49 pm, its... Solar eclipses ) powerful during eclipses, and that personal transformations can far! Suffers the dematerialisation of the life Guidance App ] say, nothing Astrology! 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