the greatest ending korean drama

Hyun-jae counters that her apartment building was way too expensive, and when she asks if he isn’t going to run away again, he assures her: “I can’t go anywhere without you.”. The drama was just so great as well as the song. The imposter story gets Kwang-jae to ask around and confirm that the Yoo Hyun-jae doppelganger stopped by the studio and was headed down to Paju due to a family emergency. his fan knew he was sick but GJ, BH, ST, YJ never said anything about it. The writer tried very hard to convince us that 1993 HJ is not Jihoon's father and justify his relationship with WS. Why the ending of Tunnel is great and he didn't go back dang near until the last minute and why they kept him in the past for us to speculate. WATCH NOW 6 Boys Over Flowers HJ 1994 did get help to battle the disease, he went to the doctor, took medicine and all. When Hyun jae had this conversation with other Hyun jae, you can really see the difference in personality. The drama was filled with a lot of tear-jerking moments and having the male lead die at the end was such a punch to the heart but executed beautifully. Korean Drama. “Uncontrollably Fond” was a drama that many fans agree was too sad. But no. I hope KJ trades in that ring for another ring. “Triangle” was one of those dramas whose endings changed because of its cast schedules. The show is very far from perfect nut I love the imperfection nonetheless! Suk Moo is a very picky and sensitive man. She does promise to give her first good song to the Jay-B boys, though, and the four friends raise their cans together, screaming, “Thumbs Up!”, As a montage of the series plays, we hear Ji-hoon’s voice narrate that they drank and were merry that night: “We don’t know if our time right now seems like much of anything. It occurs to him that Hyun-jae is still young enough to still perform on stage if he wanted to, but Hyun-jae is ready for a life outside of the spotlight. Bo Hee? Thanks for the recaps @gummimochi! The timeline for this drama is not that confusing to me, I understand every part of it and accept it as it is. Nevertheless, i think CTH was able to coach them well and capture the required expressions for each scene. I loved his clothes in 2017 and his 90s style was hilarious. Despite Bo-hee’s insistence that Young-jae has a soft heart, Kwang-jae is okay with sticking to the occasional thorny exchange with him. This list of Korean drama providing websites ends here. Perks of being both actor and PD in your drama! 59 shows. How did Future Hyunjae's doodles get into Past Hyunjae's notebook when he didn't leave it behind in the past? The Best Hit is the only drama that I diligently wait for the weekend so that I can watch this drama. Cutting one kiss scene to make time for a stage performance is not so hard to do. To help you sift through the pond, we rounded up the big fish — the best of, the ultimate, the stellar standouts — of the most romantic K-dramas from the past five years that will make both idealists and cynics so glad and giddy they stayed in. A historical film about the siege of Ansi Fortress and the epic eighty-eight day battle that Yang Man-chun and his Goguryeo troops fought against 500,000 invading Tang dynasty men to defend it. Mal-sook comes running out before the boys leave and thrusts a piece of paper at Ji-hoon. Connect with Facebook Regarding 1990s time travel TV shows. Lee Chae-young shares what she looks for in a role, non-acting interests, and more, Baek Bo-ram shares her fitness and happiness rituals, Comedian Jang Do-yeon talks de-stressing and some of her current joys in life, Ham Eun-jung talks about what roles she'd like to tackle and her fans, Oh Chang-seok talks about role prep and wisdom for budding actors, Im Jung-eun talks about her rookie days, inspiration, and marriage, Jo Yeo-jung talks work ethics, inspiration, and Parasite, Park Sun-ho talks drama recommendations, singing, and more in this latest Ask an Actor video, You Who Forgot Poetry's Lee Yubi talks about her desert island essentials, poetry, and acting, Jo Seung-woo, Park Shin-hye tackle fantasy-mystery in new JTBC drama Sisyphus: the Myth, Drama viewership ratings for the week of Dec. 7-13, 2020, [2020 Year in Review] Life-affirming drama themes. This show is not 100% successful in this regard, but for me at least they achieved 75%. Calling himself a great storyteller and listener, he leans in to hear her story. In a fantasy world, rules of the real world are either changed or removed to some extent. We kick off our list of the best Korean dramas on Netflix with a global favorite—Kingdom.Kingdom blends the zombie genre with the classic setting of a historical period piece. Young-jae sees both men leaving, then sneaks into Other Hyun-jae’s car to grab the music notebook. In this situation, Goo Ae-jeong got into a car accident. The tear condition haven't showed up in months. She teasingly asks if he plans on releasing it if she does, and the jab hits him where it hurts. or I laughed & cried and just really enjoyed it overall. Hyun-jae assures him that they’ve already made amends “sometime later,” but right now he needs Kwang-jae’s help and asks to meet. With Nam Joo-Hyuk, In-Sung Jo, Dong-il Sung, Park Sung-Woong. “Uncontrollably Fond” is remembered by fans as one of Suzy’s best performances and the role that shot Kim Woo Bin’s popularity even higher. Hyun-jae asks if it’s a double typhoon, and Other Hyun-jae confirms that it is. He is creeping up into my top five best actor of his generation. The veil between the timelines is thin -- at least some of the time. He asks how she’s been doing and doesn’t mind if it’s a long story because he’s got all the time in the world now. I'm also happy that Young-jae is not the villain (no villain at all in this drama). maybe that's why BH never resented HJ for leaving her behind. but when he looks outside theres no one. With the scent of summer in the air and the anticipation of a fun-filled summer up ahead, it’s the perfect time to binge watch some classic K-drama rom-coms to … Yes, the show really did go on and on about not just any old typhoon, but extra-special twin typhoons, lol. The centre of the plot is always Hyun Jae so main plot will be him regardless whatever he does. But then that begs this existential question: What was it about Hyun-jae that Fate decided to intervene and send one of his selves into the future while leaving another version behind (and perhaps leave him to die a lonely death?) Overall, I did enjoy this dama when it was enjoyable and light. 8/10. But when he became a human, he still got the upper hand and still be able to manipulate LJS’ character…. Ji-hoon’s surprise rap in his audition still stays with me weeks later, and I liked that he took one last shot to try and make his dreams come true and bring his bro, MC Drill, along for the journey. Woo-seung makes him a homemade dinner and tells him to stay here until he has a place of his own. I am going to miss you Da Bong! He later retires to the bedroom, where he straightens the wedding portrait of him and Bo-hee hanging on the wall. I’m glad I’m not the only one who felt like this. 1. At some point, when we watch fiction we’re asked to suspend disbelief. The logic of time traveling didn't bother me. ), but overall it was an entertaining and satisfying emotional journey, and I wouldn't have missed it for the world. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. I felt the same way about "Trash Oppa" a while back, and there's no overcoming that kind of aversion, lol. The drama was filled with a lot of tear-jerking moments and having the male lead die at the end was such a punch to the heart but executed beautifully. Oh thank god he’s still alive. Thank goodness, grandpa is still alive! Everyone has interesting characters but the writers picked to focus on the romance part as their priority. 4/10 at best. Thanks for being yourself and trying your best. Phew, not a dream. He explains that Other Hyun-jae will go missing tonight, so he wanted to prevent him from coming here at all costs, but didn’t anticipate that they would meet this way. It's no surprise, though, that she would not have pursued such an unstable arts career. Oh, are you planning on sending Other Hyun-jae into the future? Tta-bong!!! Hyun-jae better keep himself locked in and nowhere near the stairs in the event of storms! If you want a non-typical drama this is a much watch. Many of these dramas have become popular throughout Asia, with growing interest in other parts of the world. I got the impression that she came from such a background of instability that what she wanted more than anything was stability. Honestly, this drama had me on an emotional roller coaster. Or maybe like an identical twin who sprang into existence, who then diverged from the original. It will make you experience all sorts of emotions. version : 'v2.2' // use version 2.2 I love JH's voiceover and the message of hope. Makes you really realize. I also love the fact that "past" Hyun Jae does care about Ji Hoon and happy to know that Ji Hoon's doing great. also woo seung character just bcome HJ's love interest with no character arc,...all her sassy went away. I am guessing the time travel makes double Hyun Jae, like how the watch and notebook also duplicates. but he didnt get help in terms of emotional support. and how the fck did they meet y couldnt the editors make it more specific. The High Points were the Comedy bits, compared to the Action or "Thriller" aspect. As for YSY, I really sometimes don't know if I like him as an actor or not, he does really well on drama scenes but on some scenes he still lacks a bit of feeling and over exaggerates but no matter what I am still drawn to him as an actor. Best Korean Dramas (50 Must Watch) Menu. I am listing all the drama Which I find the best. Please share your feedback and experience with these websites in the comment section so that other users can also come to … CTH also talk about TBH and watched it together with the folks. A verification email has been sent to your new email address. Required fields are marked *. What happen to 1994 HJ? But the car won’t start, so Hyun-jae says they can take his. Romance ✔. Jaejoong opened up about the reason, he said, “The drama has ended and I know I can speak up about it now, but honestly, Jang Dong Chul’s death was certain. Hyun-jae reassures Other Hyun-jae that their fans remember him for decades into the future. I do think they can reduced some parts of the romance but just like we know, some shows can be a little bit ambitious to insert everything in 16 epi and they are not always successful. Where can I find one? In this post, I’ll share the 87 best historical Korean drama series known as sageuk, which is a South Korean term denoting historical drama series, films, and plays.. 1. In real life, the two shouldn’t have ended up together, if I were her, I would have walked away, she is too precious and deserves someone who is at least normal. That drama was unbelievable with all the twists it had, but I was not a fan of the ending. Despite its missteps, The Best Hit is ddabong! Lee Jong Suk’s character is literally a character made up and drawn by Han Hyo Joo’s character. Watch online 2020's new Korean dramas for free with EngSub! Enjoy! He reminds Other Hyun-jae of that stormy night when they won the Golden Cup, which Other Hyun-jae remembers as the day he cuts ties with everyone because he thought that money belonged to him. I am more disappointed to this show than MSG. Apparently Grandpa is being proactive about his Alzheimer’s and working out on a regular basis. Im Siwan had other filming schedules and could only attend the filming of one extended episode, so that is why his character Jang Dong Woo died instead.”. This drama is already a romcom from the beginning, they have planned it. Yes, it's weird, but if you read science fiction, not that weird. Never would I thought that incurable disease isn't a cliche this time around! I want to believe that that kind of time portal is still there and who knows maybe many more quirky things will keep on happening now when Hyunjae has studio set up there ? All in all, its one of the few dramas I've thoroughly enjoyed from start to finish. Heh. I'm never completely satisfied and trying to pick time travel apart gives me a headache. She worked so hard and wanted to be a police. It will make your heart break when you watch the drama while listening to it. She admits she was nervous that he’d disappear again, then asks for his arm and writes “Woo-seung’s slave Hyun-jae” with a little heart to ensure that he won’t ever leave her again. Maybe it's a flare-up. Other Hyun-jae is proud to hear that Ji-hoon grew up to be a great kid: “Of course, he’d be great, if he’s my son.” Hyun-jae agrees that Ji-hoon is frustratingly upright, humble, and clever and, and that he’s enough of a good performer to stand on stage. Could be the character, or just something about the aura of KMJ. Crying, she wonders why Hyun-jae hasn’t returned and if he’s already forgotten about her. Hyun-jae runs up the stairwell while Other Hyun-jae wheezes behind him. I wish I could ignore my dislike for the main couple but I just can't. He tries to distract himself with mobile games, but then we see him standing outside of the bathroom door. She’s eating dinner alone when Ji-hoon swings by to drop off a folder from Dad containing a music notebook by a famous songwriter that should help her in her music composition studies. "Let's grow old together.". It won’t be easy saying goodbye to the characters who have made us both laugh and cry at every turn, especially Hyun-jae, who deserves two thumbs up. Other Hyun-jae hesitates, so Hyun-jae grabs his arms and tells him that this illness he’s suffering from is curable in the future. Her signing up a new contract with the rival company was a great 'sacrifice' and I wanted to see if she thrives or crashes in that company. This is a kind of drama that cracks you up then breaks your heart at the same time! Again, bad script good acting. I truely belive if the show had continued with the comedic sitcom vibe it started off with, it would have been a bigger success. Wow its realy back to 1N2D so i can keep on seeng YSY. wow.. this drama very great 33 : Konstance Says: April 30th, 2011 at 3:23 pm. Like the guy shot her dad, I wouldn’t be able to be with someone who shot my dad like I don’t care if he didn’t shoot him in a vital area, something bad could have still happened to him after that one shot. Your source for Kpop and kdrama news, recaps and reviews. This is a personal pick because many fans tend to love the ending, in my opinion, it was beyond absurd. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); It’s time for us to bid Hyun-jae and the rest of the gang farewell and see how every choice made have shaped the course of their lives. You may also like. Lee Jong Suk’s character was physically based on Han Hyo Joo’s character’s ideal guy. Since this is the last episode, i thought i'll just give my overall view for the last time, as there are so many differing views here. I even want to asked the writer of the story by myself on whats the crap is happening after i watched the finale.Though it still a good kdrama, it just have an unsatisfying ending Eunbi❤️Taekwang. // Load the SDK asynchronously Perhaps it’s better for our sanity to stick with the Hyun-jae we’ve gotten to know over the course of this series. Ahhh so frustrating! It’s only when Woo-seung is alone again do the tears finally fall, and she asks a photo of Hyun-jae if he’s eating and faring well. It was a drama I didn't think I would watch but strangely, it was the one show I kept looking forward to each weekend. As much as it was fun it could have been way better. Coughing, he tells them not to be too upset with him since he’ll be joining them soon enough. Hyun-jae keeps to his word too, because one day when Woo-seung returns home, he pops his head out of the next apartment calling out, “Part-timer!” She jumps a foot to see him there and he cheerily said there happened to be a space available here, so he took it. The only problem with the movie is its ending (unfortunately), where it goes on a bit too long that it grows tiresome. The only explanation I could think of was parallel universe time travel concept . I also respected Bo-hee’s decision to be a wonderful mother and wife for the time being because anybody—be it a wife, mother, husband, dad, grandparent, or legal guardian—who dedicates their time to maintain a harmonious family environment don’t get enough credit for all the hard work they put in day in and day out. 1993 HJ who time-travels to 2017 is essentially a clone of 1994 HJ. You weren't perfect but flawed beauty's the best kind anyway. He looks very unwell, I am guessing he either disappears and die in peace alone (he doesn't seem like he has much time left) or he took his own life. W Two Worlds: Dont blame Lee Jong Suk for the bad script. He was supposed to die at the airport on the way to attend the Hold ‘Em Championships. :laugh: I just can't help but wonder about these things. The World of the Married (2020) — 18.8% Plus, time to time it felt like it had ambition for more but had troubles squeezing it in. He admits he doesn’t know what happened to Other Hyun-jae and guesses that was because Other Hyun-jae didn’t want everything to change because of him. You should’ve add third charm now. do you have more to add to the list? I was waiting for JB to perform in that pink outfit! FB.init({ Whatever Happened To “Scarlet Heart Ryeo” Cast? He always thinks he didn’t choose the right path for his life. Here are some kisses from K-dramas I watched; some were emotional and touching, others sweet and adorable. You made me laugh, cry, hope, cheer, aspire... All the characters are so dear to me, like I said in a previous episode, I wish we could have small skits following the various characters in their mundane lives. In both series it started falling apart at about the middle and the final episode was just terrible. 2017 is a man with a plan, and 1994 is a man with no future, and they felt very different. However, the drama was extended by two episodes, so the ending changed. Imagine if they casted Kim Hee Sun or Park Ye Jin. Most K-Dramas are primarily romance which means fans can anticipate that Special Moment. Think about it, I’m the Yoo Hyun-jae who resides in this world. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Oh the humanity! The Greatest Marriage (Korean: 최고의 결혼; RR: Choegoui Gyeolhon) is a 2014 South Korean television series based on the novel of the same title by Jung Yi-joon.Starring Park Si-yeon, Bae Soo-bin and No Min-woo, it airs on TV Chosun beginning September 27, 2014. is by far one of the greatest romantic comedies ever produced in South Korea. 1. Hearing that the creative songwriting juices aren’t flowing for Woo-seung, MC Drill jokes that she’s better suited for a civil service position. I love JUMONG! Korean dramas have their fair share of sad endings; they also have their fair share of disappointing endings that left fans annoyed. CEW's MJ was a refreshing character and his visuals made it perfect. The rating of The Greatest Love is drop because of 49days last episode, everyone dying to see what happen with Ji Hyun, Kang, Yi Kyung and Yi soo, 49 days turn out to be another tearjerking drama but with a good lesson in it.. still very sad drama and The Greatest Love really cheer me up, Laughing after crying was great.. hahahaha… appId : '127538621120543', There's no way I could think of getting the ring out w/o thinking of KJ pooping it out. Thank you, The Best Hit. The drama was just so great as well as the song. If that's true, then it makes sense that they're on the same timeline and that during the typhoon, Hyun Jae was basically "copied" and then put on hold for 25 years before suddenly materializing. Maybe he could claim the legal identity, keep it quiet, and keep using Kim Da Bong as his public identity? fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); I replied to your post in Crispycheese's thread #28 of the previous recap. I also thought it was lovely that 2017 started referring to 1994 as "your dad" when speaking to Ji Hoon, which is more truthful - at this point he's basically 1994's identical twin, not the actual man who fathered Ji Hoon. Hey! I will have to disagree with you on Hae Jin’s character in CINT, the character is rather scary and manipulative. Sweet ending. Even though The Best Hit wasn’t the variety-drama hybrid genre I hoped for, it warms my heart to think that the cast and crew had a blast on set. That’s why I thought of compiling a whole bunch of list. Drama had its highest ratings so far on episode 13! His reconciliation with Ji-hoon made me yearn for all the possibilities Hyun-jae could’ve had as his mentor than his rival in love, since I really did love all the relationships he made and repaired in 2017. (Can I order 1 clone for myself please?). If the future you claim is true, then there are things I need to take care of here.”. I'll check your reply. Hyun-jae turns back to ask if he’d mentioned anything about a lake and learns that the same lake where Other Hyun-jae’s car was found isn’t too far from the studio. Yes.. but Gwang Jae marries BH in 2017. Hyun-jae shares a beer with Kwang-jae and barks that he won’t ever travel through time again because the last trip nearly killed him. :). It felt like they as we call it here in the states jumped.the shark. K-dramas have contributed to the general phenomenon of the Korean … I know a few steam cleanings should make the ring okay, but how can they look at the ring and not think about KJ pooping it out? A small smile peeks through Other Hyun-jae’s lips when he hears that Ji-hoon inherited his smarts and attended Seoul University. that really got to me was ep. I learned an important lesson to not crack my head so much over the logic of things & to just sit back & enjoy the show lol. It has it's funny side and touching moments. Kwang-jae denies it, but he’s clearly distracted as Young-jae says he’d like to shift gears and put out a ballad album. Some kdramas clearly indicates that there won’t be a happy ending early on in the plot, and some others just come at you out of nowhere. He leaves her to eat, and tells himself that he did a good job back there. Spoilers (of the kissing kind, hehe). Its been so long since I've seen a Kdrama (last one was 2 eps. I love KJ's proposal with the ipad that had the xray of the ring in his stomach. So much potential lost in the focus of the love story. Upset, he had another spoonful and felt himself swallow the ring. While the story did let us down i think the msg was always the same--There are somethings you can't change, some that cannot be resolved but you can always accept it and try to make the situation more liveable. after his scene! - thank goodness we have 2N1D for my fix of Yoon Shi-yoon. As far as the notebook goes, I'm leaning toward quantum entanglement myself: "Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when pairs or groups of particles are generated or interact in ways such that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the others, even when the particles are separated by a large distance—instead, a quantum state must be described for the system as a particle of an entangled pair "knows" what...has been performed on the other, and with what outcome, even though there is no known means for such information to be communicated between the particles, which at the time of measurement may be separated by arbitrarily large distances." We cut to the World Agency office, where Woo-seung, who is now a team leader and the only employee, tells the caller that Kwang-jae isn’t at his desk. Ben is a really good singer especially when she sings korean drama ost. how the fck can a woman who died be still living in a hut having not aged at all when the man aged for 40 years. Let me explain. MBC drama "The Greatest Love" Goo Ae-jeong (Gong Hyo-jin) and Dok Go-jin (Cha Seung-won) got married and became the national couple.She was no longer the unfavorable star anymore. Ben is a really good singer especially when she sings korean drama ost. Ddabong ? This series, written by Kim Eun-sook, is the fourth highest-rated Korean drama of all time. OOOOHHH, I thought I was the only one thinking about the faltering scenes on W. Lots of inconsistencies and loopholes. He’s told that he’s been out cold for some time, and the nurse chimes in that she thought Hyun-jae was dreaming about the 1988 Summer Olympics because Hyun-jae kept murmuring “Woo-seung, Woo-seung” (meaning “victory”) in his sleep. The more so that the show made sure to underline "twin typhoons" a few times throughout the drama. RELATED: 12 Awesome Brooding Heroes of Asian Dramas! Malsook kept seeing someone at the rooftop but when she opens the door there's no one?? Loved how Kwang-jae was all no more delay, let's just pop the question now! A man bumps into her on the street, causing the files in her arms to spill onto the ground. The famous K-drama writers the Hong Sisters wrote this lovely 2011 romantic comedy about a forgotten former pop idol singer who falls in love against her will with a popular action star actor who has a hard time trusting people.It starred Gong Hyo Jin, Cha Seung Won, Yoon Kye Sang, and Yoo In Na, and it was called The Greatest Love (other websites call it The Greatest Question). He promises to make her happy and says, “Marry me.”. Hope you can loosen up too now =) The ep. I'm just so frustrated that I can't even enjoy the parts of the show that were really good. I suspect that schedule conflict with his other how could be the reason why we didn't see Grandpa in the final episode. The Greatest Love (Korean: 최고의 사랑; RR: Choego-ui Sarang; also known as Best Love) is a 2011 South Korean romantic comedy television series about true love in the fake world of entertainment. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. create a new … And yes, I agree with most of your comments that if only they dig deeper into the stories of Woo seung, Young jae, Hye Ri and MJ. A living, breathing, person. Technically the 2017-HJ is not Ji Hoon's dad. He mutters that he doesn’t have much time left, but then Other Hyun-jae asks for more information about Ji-hoon. I don’t get the story at all. And a big shout out to Cha Tae Hyun for first attempt at directing. The show gave us to believe that's why she rejected Ji Hoon as a romantic partner as well: she couldn't bear to lose her longtime and only friend if their romance went south. The ipad proposal is sooo cute. I've been a fan of kdramas since 2012 and counting~ Join me as I discuss some of the hottest currently airing kdramas, and if you have any requests for a kdrama review, please let me know in the comment section of any article. According to … Can you explain, when you say you dislike the main couple, is it primarily because you just can't get past feeling that Yoon Jae is really and actually Ji Hoon's father? As for the finale, I was relieved that Hyun-jae didn’t lose his memory upon his return to the ’90s. He wasnt a main character though, so its understandable to me that he doesnt play a major role. Got it, thanks for explaining! Menu. Others may hate and dispise his character as HJ but no one can deny the fact that he portrayed the character brilliantly! Why can't he just be with skinny prettyface? window.fbAsyncInit = function() { Today we’re taking a look at some of the saddest most disappointing kdrama endings of all time. Two different pieces of evidence imply two very different things. The drama became one of the highest-rated on Korean cable TV in 2020 with a second season is due in 2021, giving you plenty of time to catch up. ? He asks how she can walk around with something on her face. I do wish the show had developed all this more, though. I can't even celebrate their debut because it didn't feel real. There are plenty of reasons to love Korean historical dramas: sageuks are the perfect mix of royal romances, palace conspiracies, and aesthetic AF robes and scenery. ;-). “And… thanks for coming,” he finishes before pushing Hyun-jae down onto the wooden sign and shoves him down the stairwell. Yes, I was left wondering, too. He might be in trouble for not having done his military service, but he could claim amnesia for all those years, and possibly go ahead and do his service (best-case scenario; worst-case might involve jail time for skiving off). But I do know one thing, I am falling in love more and more with Yoon Si Yoon or should I say Yoon Hyun-Jae, Dongu-ya, Enrique, and Baker King Kim Tak Gu. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. EPISODE 31 RECAP Hyun-jae wakes up in a hospital bed wondering what happened, since the last thing he remembers is riding the plastic sled down the staircase in 2017. Meet some friends and promises not drink tonight were really good also about. Care of here. ” kept seeing someone at the bathroom door cookies will be 3 Hyun Jaes = Hyun! Great as well.. i have yet to overcome this drama ) with the! Will have to disagree with your consent right here, ” Other ’. 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