why we should keep the electoral college essay

Argument essay-arrange marriage and love marriage some countries like iraq, afghanistan, i strongly believe that marriage should be based on love sometimes parents do not approve of the male or female their daughter or son has. The Electoral College has been around since the beginning of democracy in America. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service. Reason 01 The Electoral college protects against the tyranny of the majority and it is working. The resulting dispute over who the president would be led to the 12th Amendment to the Constitution. However, the electoral college is still an important protection that we have today. Essay on importance of oral communication, essay on lal bahadur shastri in english for class 5 keep essay electoral the Why college we should mother earth essay 100 words. If the popular vote alone decided elections, the presidential candidates would rarely visit those states or consider the needs of rural residents in their policy platforms. The drawbacks of having the Electoral College are as notable as other methods, due to the voting system not being, The Social Justice Project that I have chosen is the system of the Electoral College. Because minor parties have difficulties getting solid recognition during presidential elections, the establishment of a two-party systems forces those of each minority party to settle with one main party or the other, which combines different people with different ideas, allowing for the creation of new, better ideas, while still maintaining a stable, politically-savvy environment. Counting votes in a country with nearly 327 million people is a daunting task. In most other countries and even the individual states a popular vote is what decides who will win the election. Especially with all the advances that we have made in technology, conducting a popular vote would now be a fairly easy process than a century ago and we need to take steps to change the way that we conduct presidential elections. Certainty of outcome The Electoral College was thus designed to represent the ideals and desires of the state as a whole. ELECTORAL COLLEGE: The reason why we use the electoral college in the U.S. is to decide who is going to be the next president The presidency is not always won by popular vote. When dealing with issues concerning the Electoral College, many people get confused; it has often been called the “least understood aspect of … VAT Registration No: 842417633. Whichever candidate received the most votes would become president and the runner-up would be vice-president. Minority groups, then, are given an opportune moment of time where they can voice their opinions, ideas, and issues to the main political party branches. There are some practical benefits to the Electoral College. Electoral College”). In 1787, the Founding Fathers of the United States put their heads together to decide on a fair, effective way to choose who would run the country as President. “To abolish the Electoral College in favor of a nationwide popular election for president would strike at the very heart of the federal structure laid out in our Constitution [leading] to the nationalization of our central government – to the detriment of the States” (“The Electoral College- Pros and Cons”). Despite much discussion to abolish the Electoral College, no other idea has been proposed and approved to do so. The Founding Fathers set up the Electoral College in order to vote for a president every four years. The Electoral college contributes to the election of the President of the United States. The United States should absolutely keep the Electoral College to elect the president of the United States. The following five reasons to keep the Electoral College are used by its defenders. We can either improve your writing before your teacher sees the Why We Should Keep The Electoral College Essay Free work, or make corrections after. Advocates of the Electoral College say that it makes for a simpler election with a clear victor and that “of course no [one] voter’s vote swings a national election”. The Electoral College increases election manageability. 1st Jan 1970 The men who established America were smart, and they intended for elections to be run in this way for a reason; why, then, would it be a wise idea to change what these men worked hard for and desired? Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a university student. The Editorial Board. However, the crazy election of 2000 came to the result of the election of the former Texas Governor George, The Electoral College is a necessity for rural states to have a say in the presidential election. The Electoral College allows for those ideas and desires of minority groups to be more readily heard by the major political parties. At first I completely agreed with this, because we do live in a democracy, and I believe that a democracy is a government for the people by the people. “In 2000, more americans watched the, seen quite like the 2016 election. With this being said, the Electoral College should not be abolished, because our founding fathers had purpose by establishing the Electoral College. When the Founders discussed what would happen throughout the nation in terms of governing and law-making power, they made many important powers reserved for the states. The founding fathers opted for an electoral college , because they wanted the president to be chosen by those who were well informed ,and qualified enough to have the ability to chose a president. Essay on The Film Black Orpheus and the Myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, Point of View in Alice Walker's Everyday Use Essay examples, The Importance of Sleep, Nutrition, and Exercise Essay, The Dream of the Rood: An Outstanding Archetype of Christian Influence on Anglo-Saxon Heroism. While the Electoral College gives voice to minority groups, it also “enhances the nation’s political stability by encouraging a two-party system” (“The Electoral College- Pros and Cons”). If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! It is important that the U.S. keeps the Electoral College; it “contributes to the cohesiveness of the country by requiring a distribution of popular support to be elected president, enhances the status of minority interests, contributes to the political stability of the nation by encouraging a two-party system, and maintains a federal system of government and representation” (“The Electoral College- Pros and Cons”). I understand why the U. S. Electoral College was first created, but I think times have changed and that we should abolish this outdated system. The Electoral College keeps the original ideas of separation of powers between the federal government and local/state-level governments alive; without this system, our nation would be unsuccessful in electing a president, debating laws and problems, and developing effective solutions. This is not seen number-wise necessarily, but rather through the idea that each state matters as much as the next, encouraging candidates for major office to campaign not just in heavily populated cities, but also in lesser-known areas and states with smaller populations. Leaving aside the fact that a deal is a deal, there are very practical reasons why we will always need the Electoral College under our current constitutional system. According to the first draft of the Constitution, electors voted for two presidents, at least one of which was from a different state than the elector was representing. overruled the popular vote. The Electoral College is an important process that was implemented into the Constitution to provide a compromise between Congress and citizens when voting for our nation's leader. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on UKEssays.com then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! Many americans don't vote. Politics can be difficult to understand but everything has a purpose and the purpose of the Electoral College is to, “The first purpose was to create a buffer between population and the, electors who come from across all 50 states including the District of Columbia which is also known as the Electoral College, this group of people will cast ballots for the candidate that is the most successful in gaining majority support from his or her specific state. These men were afraid of direct election of the president- not solely based on the assumption that common citizens would be unable to decide on a solid leader- but because they feared a tyrant could come to power, manipulating public opinion, and creating the same situation of which the U.S. had just conquered. Many citizens have debated about whether we should keep the Electoral College or resort to a popular, The Electoral College has been a system that the United States of America keeps in use since the constitution has first been in place in 1787. In a majority of cases, the winner of the popular vote correlates to who receives majority support in the Electoral College. This would result in a frayed, unstable political system, weakening the nation’s abilities to stay politically sound-minded while solving serious problems. Selecting the electors is an ability given directly to the people through affiliations with major political parties; most electors are chosen at State Party Conventions (“U.S. The United States should absolutely keep the Electoral College to elect the president of the United States. Throughout the years, however, many Americans feel that the Electoral college has become outdated. All work is written to order. Our founding fathers desire every state and person to have a voice. This system allows smaller states to have a bigger impact on the presidential election. Study for free with our range of university lectures! Copyright © 2003 - 2020 - UKEssays is a trading name of All Answers Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales. You can view samples of our professional work here. Why is the electoral college better than popularity and explain Posted by Anthony December 9, 2020 Posted in Public relation Tags: Assignment help , candidate , College Essays , electoral college , Essayhelp , Homeworkhelp , Public relation This belief has sparked a great debate on whether or not the United States should continue to use the Electoral College that our founding fathers created. Maintain American Federalism. 1. Registered office: Venture House, Cross Street, Arnold, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 7PJ. In this fact, it should remain in place as the way the nation decides on who its leader will be. However, Clinton had won the National Popular vote by almost three million votes, leaving many Americans outraged. Yes, we should keep the electoral college. ORDER NOW With the past 2016 election, many began to question why we have the Electoral College. *You can also browse our support articles here >. Essay about the world war 1. It made many voters feel as if their vote did not matter because the Electoral College.

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